Last week news surfaced of the capture of three men at the Mexican border dressed in ghillie suits. These are camouflage outfits designed to allow an individual to blend into his environment. They are often used by snipers or individuals in the U.S. military conducting long-term clandestine observations of a target.
The press reacted with confusion. No one seemed to understand why illegals would go to so much trouble to avoid detection at a time when the Border Patrol has been turned into Uber for aliens and getting caught means a hot shower, a plane ticket so you can continue your travel in style and a free cellphone. As usual, the press missed the entire point.
The men were cartel scouts. They weren’t trying to cross illegally in search of a new life. They were almost certainly on their way to relieve other scouts already in place – on our soil.
In the fantasy world of the Biden administration, our immigration problem at the southern border is the result of the mass spontaneous action of millions of poor, disenfranchised Central Americans who simply get up one day and start walking north. That is as you might suspect – a lie.
The people coming across our border are moved in a vast, industrial-scale enterprise by transnational criminal organizations who get rich off the fees they charge. These same organizations move drugs into our country by the ton. Chief amongst these is fentanyl, which is killing our youth at an unprecedented rate.
The men running these criminal organizations are unspeakably evil. They are not stupid. They are not without skills. They do not send shipments of drugs across the border and hope for the best. They use the movement of migrant groups to draw law enforcement to certain areas and allow drugs to then move freely across into areas now devoid of coverage. In coordinating these kinds of movements, they also rely on the collection of intelligence fed to them by scouts and observation posts located on U.S. soil up to 100 miles from the southern border.

The Border Patrol describes the practice quite succinctly and clearly in its own publications. This quote refers specifically to the area around Tucson, Arizona but the practice is widespread everywhere along our southern border.
“Scouts are used by transnational criminal organizations to help facilitate the smuggling of contraband and illegal aliens. Scouting networks in the Tucson Sector are complex in nature, often involving several key players, locations and technology including radios, solar panels and cell phones. Agents have also discovered food supplies to last for several days or weeks, camping supplies, and weapons. Scouts represent one of the most dangerous elements Border Patrol agents encounter in the field. The Tucson Sector will remain focused on targeting and countering their efforts.”
These scouts did not just arrive. They have been in place for years. Their observation posts have been found in proximity to major cities like Phoenix.
Scouts apprehended by the Border Patrol have been found to be well-equipped and well-trained. They wrap strips of carpet around their boots to help disguise their tracks. They wear camouflage. They have stockpiles of food and water, multiple cellphones, battery chargers, two-way radios, and equipment to monitor police communications. They are armed.
This is not amateur hour. This is a military-grade operation.

Cartel scout operations on U.S. soil have become such a problem that Republicans recently introduced a bill to increase punishments for individuals helping the cartels by providing information to them on law enforcement locations and activities.
“As our border crisis continues to spiral out of control, the cartels are only getting smarter and more advanced. ‘Spotters’ have become a critical player in how cartels evade law enforcement. Implementing stricter penalties on spotters, not only deters new individuals from joining cartel efforts, but it prevents more experienced spotters who have been apprehended from quickly returning to action.”
Senator Joni Ernst, Republican from Iowa, sponsor of the bill.

Our southern border is increasingly a fiction. It exists as a line on the map, but in the absence of meaningful border security measures on the ground, it has vanished.
On the other side of that “border” are what amount to narco-kingdoms. The Mexican government does not control the terrain or the population. Narco-insurgents do. Nothing moves and nothing happens without the approval of these heavily militarized criminal organizations.
These organizations operate in an increasingly open manner on U.S. soil. They are extending their tentacles right here inside the United States. To date, they have calculated that it is in their best interest to avoid carrying out large-scale violence here. That is not because they cannot do so. It is because they think it might be bad for business.
At some point, that calculus will shift. As the cartels fully absorb the weakness of this administration and their power here increases, things will change. The cartels will decide they can do here what they just did in Tijuana and other Mexican cities, where they openly terrorized the populace.
That might once have seemed unthinkable. Not anymore. Now it could happen any day.
Still wonder what ghillie suits on U.S. soil signify? They signify a future of unspeakable violence.
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