It's Not Your Imagination North Carolina -Your Government Really Is Run By People Who Despise You
The stories coming out of North Carolina in the wake of Hurricane Helene are heartbreaking. Hundreds are dead. Communities are devastated. The federal government’s response has been slow and callous.
When asked by an NBC News anchor if she had any “faith” in getting aid from the government, one Asheville, North Carolina woman replied, “No. No. Nobody’s going to help us… I don’t know what we’re going to do,” she said from a pile of debris.
Jordan Lanning, another Asheville resident who lost a friend to the floods, told Fox News’ Jesse Watters that the response took “too long”: “It took five days for Biden to come here, and he didn’t think we were worth coming down to see us himself. He had to fly over on his way to Raleigh,” he said during a Thursday interview.
“It’s disgraceful… I mean, they keep saying ‘We the people.’ No, there is no ‘We the people.’ It is them versus us,” Lanning continued. “Like, they’re not for us. It’s all about them — they tell us what we need instead of listening to us.”
It’s not their imagination. It’s reality. Our government is run by a self-appointed “elite” that is completely out of touch with the bulk of the American people. They not only don’t care about the average American, they despise who they are and what they stand for. They are better than you, and you deserve only their contempt.
The Napolitan Institute recently released a report on the Elite 1%, highlighting the major gaps between voters and those in the highly influential Elite 1%. Regarding individual freedom, for example, half (47%) of the Elite 1% believe that Americans have too much. This report also included a survey of federal government managers, clearly revealing their alignment with the Elite 1%.
The Napolitan Institute defines the Elite 1% as people who have postgraduate degrees, live in densely populated urban areas (more than 10,000 people per square mile), and earn at least $150,000 annually. It found that this group holds dramatically different views from the average American. When Biden’s approval ratings were bumping along well below 40% this group was polling well over 80% approval ratings for the worst President in American history.
“The Elite 1% wield a tremendous amount of institutional power but are wildly out of touch with the nation they want to rule,” says pollster Scott Rasmussen. “Over the years, they have built institutions and mechanisms of regulatory power immune to the checks and balances of elections. Worse still, these same Elites own, operate, and control a large majority of media outlets, blocking out the true voice of the American people and broadcasting their own out-of-touch viewpoints.”
“Basics of the Elite 1%
73% Identify as Democrats
67% are 35-54 Years of Age
86% are White
47% Support ‘Sanders like Policies’”
Amongst the Elite 1%, 77% want to ration gas, electricity and meat. 72% want to ban gas-powered vehicles. 69% want to ban gas stoves.
Outside of the elite world, such bans are considered laughable. Among American voters, between 70% and 83% oppose all such bans.
Almost ninety percent of the 1% trust the federal government to do the right thing most of the time.
Over half of the 1% think the federal government should have the right to censor social media. Almost 70% think only people with college degrees should vote.
Perhaps most surprisingly, over 80% of these elitists think average Americans agree with them.
Worse yet, these are the same people that run your government. Surveys of federal government managers show massive differences between their attitudes and those of average Americans. Federal managers have a strong alignment with the view of the Elite 1%.
Only 16% of average Americans think we have too much individual freedom.
51% of government managers think so.
Close to 80% of government managers favor banning private ownership of firearms.
Roughly 50% of government managers think parents have too much control over their children’s education.
Over 50% of government managers believe they have the right to issue regulations that are overwhelmingly opposed by taxpayers.
56% of government managers trust the government to do the right thing most of the time. If you break it down by party, over 80% of Democrat government managers trust the government to do the right thing.
We are told by the corporate media that we are a nation divided: black against white against brown, men against women, gay against straight.
This is a lie. We are a nation divided, but not on those lines.
This is a fight between the American people, the ones who pay the taxes, do the work, and fight the wars, and the self-appointed elitists who think they should rule and we should shut up, sit down, and do what we are told. So, no, people of North Carolina, it’s not your imagination. Your government really is run by people who despise you and, quite honestly, don’t give a damn what happens to you.
Marie Antoinette: "Let them eat cake."
Today's Elite: "Let them eat their rations of bugs."
Alex Jones told Glenn Beck a few months ago that they would be coming after rural America next. They already destroyed the major cities, all run by Dem. He told the same thing to Carlson. No one is safe from the tyrants.