Let us pray that "pride goeth before the fall."

Hopefully this fall, i.e., November 5, 2024.

Also, a double entendre to "pride" IS intended.

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"Their children don’t put on uniforms and risk their lives. They attend cushy Ivy League Schools and go on to jobs as hedge fund managers, corporate attorneys, or investment bankers."

They also go on to the DIE and Censorship Industrial Complex jobs in private industry, public universities, and the federal government, jobs that were created out of thin air for the entitled and incompetent.

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The Biden administration keeps parroting home the same talking points about “despotic regimes that are anti-democracy” while enacting those same totalitarian policies against their own citizen base.

Where do the roots of this kakistocracy in power trail back to? Bolshevik Russia and Communist China.

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More than anything it is a sign of the Spiritual/ moral decay destroying our Republic like termites advocated by Grams i and seen in the free love Woodstock love fest of the 60s driven by the Marxists inculcating The University Students who know control the Administrative State. Slipping deeper into allowing same sex marriage and now transgenderism normalizing perversion have we hit bottom? The answer will come when we either have a serious Spiritual revival or complete the journey into a Globalist Marxist governance. We are at the precipice and only by God’s undeserved grace and mercy will se survive

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And so they do all they can to destroy Western Civilization. Even a non-religious thinker like me understands Western Civilization and the wealth it has created was made possible only by the idea that the individual is supreme. And that idea is rooted in Christ's teachings.

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Great insight Sam.

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