First, "gender is assigned" at conception (not "at birth).

Second some very mixed-feelings about all of this.

One the one hand, I resent (amongst many resentments about this subject) that people with a delusional mental disorder - and their so-called "advocates" - demand (often by force of law) that we also adopt that delusion, and so ratify the mental disorder as somehow being "normal."

Of course, that is all "shiny object" - there's a larger agenda here, well encapsulated by this quote from Theodore Dalrymple: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/124952-political-correctness-is-communist-propaganda-writ-small-in-my-study

On the other hand, the "feminists" for decades have been on a (mostly successful) jihad against masculinity, including watering down strength standards for occupations in which it is a bona fide occupational qualification, and erasing "male only" spaces such as clubs, colleges and so on. So there's a lot of karma with what are actually men invading their spaces; in many respects, they asked for this.

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Hear, hear. I laughed yesterday when I saw that. Three year ban for a .20 of a second kiss. Can’t make this sh*t up.

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