I suppose by now the powers that be have re-defined “traitor”. Pity. The old definition suited the man and situation so well……. It wasn’t a disease, it was a hoax. It wasn’t a fair election, it was a coup. It isn’t mass migration, it is an invasion. It isn’t climate change, it’s weather. They aren’t always contrails, they’re sometimes chemtrails. The list goes on…. Wake up, America.

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Meanwhile, the Biden-Harris Junta, through the State Department, is funding the U.N. and NGO orchestrated invasion through our southern border.

One can picture Obama, Valerie Jarrett et als. sitting beside the SCIF in his D.C. house, laughing uproariously at how they're "fundamentally transforming" U.S. taxpayers' dollars into vehicles for this nation's demise.

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Obama is writing his legacy. His purpose is to fundamentally transform the greatest nation on earth to be slaves of its enemies. Making a The Crisis of all crises. Americans will fund their own destruction and Obama and company of which all are anti-Americans, will be toasting their success via the American Patriots.

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A rabbit hole that seems to have no bottom

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That's on one side of the world where the cash is flowing, then there is Palestine, Ukraine and the billions being spent to get invaders to our border and then on flights and buses to pepper spray the States with criminals and diseases.

God forbid that the House would stop the funding and shut down the government until it quits its treasonous operations.

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