1) The bioweapon staging premise might also explain the CCP's activity of purchasing land adjacent to / in close proximity to US military bases. Could they not then use those as staging areas to launch very short range devices to insert bioweapons into the U.S. bases - that short range meaning that they'd hit the target before anyone had time to react?

2) As the unelected Biden-Harris Junta's days now may be numbered, it would incentivize the Globalist-CCP Axis to accelerate multiple plans / vectors of attack against the U.S.

3) I was never an adherent to "Q." It always struck me as "too good to be true," and I could never reconcile why, if there was such a (national savior) group, why it would signal its existence and plans (even if cryptically). If there is such a group and a "trust the plan," it seems that now would be the time to execute the downfall of the traitors (not holding my breath).

4) Speaking of traitors, Milley et als. collaborating with the Biden-Harris Junta's initial attempts to coverup the CCP spy balloon, WHILE letting it gather intelligence unimpeded, speaks to the pervasive, treasonous (post-Obama) rot throughout the military leadership, the DOJ / FBI and the "intelligence community." In recent months the quote by Cicero keeps hauntingly coming back to mind:

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself."

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Very good points Mr. Wigand. I am fully on board with your point 3, a couple years ago my daughter had to explain Q to me. Some of my acquaintances still expect the military or some magical force to rise up and save the world. I say too little too late, the genie is out of the bottle. Or Q itself is a psy-op to keep us quiet, maybe that's what Q means, Quiet until defeated.

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Thank you, I think, for the update of the Reedley bio-lab. The response by any government agency and politician has been dismal, if at all. Does no one of authority care that our country is at the tipping point?

When the "blinking red lights" go dark from a shut down of the power grid and the American citizen takes it upon themself to save this country it is going to be an ugly lengthly mess. It's looking like Russia and China have made their deal, Russia will take the East and China will take the West. The USA will no longer exist.

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