But, but, but…We sure got rid of those mean tweets!

Wake up, American citizens!

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I subscribe to more Substack writers than I can count, but yours is one of my faves! Thank you!

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The inverse of how the insiders and media built the Russia Hoax. Here they decommissioned a real event as a hoax.

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Treason plain and simple in my eyes. But I am a plain and simple person.

It's painfully obvious that the 'opposing' party will do nothing to root out this rot from the halls of Congress, so what is the solution? Citizen court and trial? Public hanging to set the example to other traitors? Or do we the people just let our once great country dissolve into the history books as other once great nations have gone? How do I explain this failure to my grandchildren, and what language will we speak?

Thank you Mr. Faddis, for your reporting and sounding the alarm, is anyone listening?

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There is no singular Al Capone to take down with an Elliott Ness. 90% of our bureaucracy and 50% of our citizens are Al Capone. Perhaps each of us remaining has to zoom in, to channel our inner Elliott Ness to remain sane in an unlawful world. There is no macro solution until we -- at the micro level -- create a bulwark against the crazy.

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