This is the playbook now. “Rule For Radicals” for Maoist RedGuards with technology.


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Saul Alinsky begat "community organizers" (e.g., B. Hussein Obama). In "Rules for Radicals," Alinsky advised them to burrow into our systems and undermine from within.

They heeded well.

Community organizers then begat the neo-Red Guards of our Maoist-modified Cultural Revolution ("fundamental transformation" as B. Hussein Obama's euphemistically put it) - that is, DEI officers are our neo-Red Guards.

We dare not assume that Maoist-reminiscent engineered famines, prison camps and so on are not also included in our domestic Collectivists / Communists playbook, should they deem them necessary to advance the revolution.

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The problem isn’t the elected the problem is those electing.Our Republic is on the precipice of being no more

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