It must be said, and said repeatedly and said every time this subject is addressed, and that is, This was not a Biden plan, yes he's a liberal democrat, but he's not the one who had a dream of his father, not in the slightest.

This is the work of the one who announced proudly, that under his leadership the greatest nation in the world be fundamentally transformed. Trump interrupted that plan when The One, miscalculated the existence of True Constitutional Americans, but instead believed he had accomplished enough control to have Hillary elected and would provide cover for his continued transformation.

During Trump's inexperience being up to par with evil political tactics, The One, was able to build and organize a system by which to legally circumvent the electoral college system to the point where no one can reverse what has been put into action. The One has more backing globally than anyone can accurately measure or count. There is no stopping what has been secretly put into place.

We've been sold and it's just a matter of time before we learn to whom. Another Trump presidency or not, it won't matter. Although my money is the leftist could run a cardboard cutout of Biden and it would win the popular vote inflated thanks to mail-in ballots.


Say it.......This has Obama's signature all over it.

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I refuse to accept (yet) that it is too late. With God, all is possible - including the restoration of our (Divinely-inspired) Constitutional Republic.

Otherwise, concur with your assessment of B. Hussein Obama and (as I like to put it) his serving as "middle manager" for "the Globalist-CCP Axis."

The personnel in it comprising, in turn, minions of Satan.

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2024 promises to be a year we will never forget.

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I came here to leave a comment, basically the same as what you just said, David P Douglass. You said it completely and far more eloquently than I could have. Yes, this has BHO's fingerprints all over it. He said he would fundamentally change America, and he has done so. We are not completely lost yet, but we are close.

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Completely agree Steve and david. Have we reached the historical 200 year average of a global super power? It's looking like it. Is this God's plan? Probably, we as a nation have earned His wrath the way Israel had earned His wrath many times. Things may get very ugly very soon, there may be bodies of illegals piling up in the streets. Unfortunately many innocents will succumb in the process.

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Excellent Briefing Is Another Xi-ignited Invasion in the Offing in Guyana Xi’s Wildfire Across Latin America The CCP’s Deep Penetration of Latin America – and Our Southern Border: To What Ends The Strategic Importance of Xi’s Flanking Maneuvers in the Western Hemisphere and Growing Ability to Project Power There and Beyond


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Please scroll to The 36 minute mark and listen to the report of J.R. Nyquist, It only takes about 10 minutes long

but has an hours worth of important information. Please listen to him he interviewed Col Communist defector the information is Extremely Important.

and if you can interview J.R. Nyquist it would be worth a long interview.

Please listen to him


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I had an intelligent trusted friend say that she and I saw this coming

I answered back

We pretty much saw most of those including the one above coming.

They are not only bringing them by plane as "students", through the north border, heavy through the southern borders ... but also as well plane then boat to the Bahamas to Florida

Course the Chinese embassy in the Bahamas is one of the largest in the world it also is estimated by last estimates to have at least 600 CCP PLA covert agents there.

They have maped up most of the us bought huge amount of land set up labs and covert outposts all throughout the country.

When they give the hot to go order, it will happen fast quick with ops that have been prepared and ready to initiate for a long time, to be implemented in a good to go order in an instant.

I had people asking me, since thats my specialty, how long did it take to shut down the Colonial pipeline (that was only a test) I told the the planning took a long time, I told them the implementation took as long as it takes for a person to hit the enter button.

It will happen so fast, that no one will be expecting it and they won't be prepared

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JOHN GUANDOLO, Officer (Ret.), United States Marine Corps, Veteran, Operations Desert Shield/Storm, Former FBI Investigator, Counterterrorism Division

Hamas’ adherence to Sharia

Where is the “hub” for Hamas in the United States?

Are Islamic organizations in the U.S. financially supporting Hamas?


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Excellent Briefing Is Another Xi-ignited Invasion in the Offing in Guyana Xi’s Wildfire Across Latin America The CCP’s Deep Penetration of Latin America – and Our Southern Border: To What Ends The Strategic Importance of Xi’s Flanking Maneuvers in the Western Hemisphere and Growing Ability to Project Power There and Beyond


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