We Are Being Invaded, Our Lives Are At Risk, And Biden Stands With Those Who Will Murder You And Your Family
Texans have taken a stand. They will no longer sit and watch while Biden and his minions orchestrate an invasion of this country and jeopardize our national security. At least twenty other states appear in one way or the other to have decided to stand with Texas against tyranny. The long-feared constitutional crisis is here.
It is worth stopping for a moment, then, to consider what is at stake. This is not some dry, legalistic dispute. This is as real as it gets. Lives, many lives are at stake.
Ten senior retired FBI agents just signed a letter to Congress making crystal clear that the deliberate, premeditated actions of the Biden Administration will inevitably mean terrorist attacks here at home and mass casualties.
House Speaker Mike Johnson made this comment to Just the News after receiving the letter.
“This letter from national security leaders is further confirmation of what we already know: President Biden’s open border policies are increasing the risks of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil,” Johnson said. “An unprecedented threat at this scale requires transformational policy changes immediately to secure the border and end the administration’s mass release of illegals into our country.”
The former FBI executives who signed the letter have more than 250 years of combined experience in the bureau’s intelligence, counterterrorism, and criminal operations and served under seven former presidents and four different FBI directors. They are:
Kevin Brock, the former assistant director of intelligence and former principal principal deputy director of the National Counterterrorism Center;
Chris Swecker, the former assistant director of the criminal division;
David Szady, former assistant director of counterintelligence;
Timothy J. Healy, the former director of the Terrorist Screening Center;
Former Executive Assistant Director Ruben Garcia;
Mark Morgan, former assistant director for training and the former acting commissioner of Homeland Security’s Customs and Border Protection;
William Gavin, retired assistant director for the Inspection Division;
Timothy McNally, former assistant director of the Los Angeles division;
Retired Special Agent David Mitchell, who oversaw the FBI operations in Milwaukee;
Special Agent Jody Weiss, who oversaw FBI operations in Philadelphia.
"We limited the letter to ten signers due to its urgency but it reflects the sentiments of many more former FBI Agents and executives who expressed to us a shared deep concern about this particular threat to the nation,” Brock told Just the News. “We are by no means the first to articulate unease about the surge of military-aged men from hostile regions and countries coming across the border.”
This letter of course comes on the heels of FBI Director Wray’s recent remarks in which he stated clearly to Congress that we are facing an unprecedented terrorist threat level in the United States.
The tone and language of the letter sent to Congress by these retired FBI officials are striking. These individuals, who have dedicated their lives to national security, are not saying in some hazy, nebulous way that our failure to control the border may come back to haunt us at some future date. They are saying, as unambiguously as anyone can say it, that we are already being invaded and that the many thousands of unidentified, military-age males entering our country right now represent an immediate, clear, and present danger.
Earlier this year the nation of Israel found out just what it means when you suddenly have thousands of angry, young men dedicated to your destruction rampaging through your streets and neighborhoods. Civilians were slaughtered. Women were tortured and literally raped to death. Some eventually begged to be killed in order to escape the horrors they were experiencing. Some bodies were so mutilated that it was impossible to determine if they had been men or women.
All this could be coming to your town any day now. We are being invaded, our lives are at risk and Biden stands with those who will murder you and your family.
It must be said, and said repeatedly and said every time this subject is addressed, and that is, This was not a Biden plan, yes he's a liberal democrat, but he's not the one who had a dream of his father, not in the slightest.
This is the work of the one who announced proudly, that under his leadership the greatest nation in the world be fundamentally transformed. Trump interrupted that plan when The One, miscalculated the existence of True Constitutional Americans, but instead believed he had accomplished enough control to have Hillary elected and would provide cover for his continued transformation.
During Trump's inexperience being up to par with evil political tactics, The One, was able to build and organize a system by which to legally circumvent the electoral college system to the point where no one can reverse what has been put into action. The One has more backing globally than anyone can accurately measure or count. There is no stopping what has been secretly put into place.
We've been sold and it's just a matter of time before we learn to whom. Another Trump presidency or not, it won't matter. Although my money is the leftist could run a cardboard cutout of Biden and it would win the popular vote inflated thanks to mail-in ballots.
Say it.......This has Obama's signature all over it.
2024 promises to be a year we will never forget.