With all due respect, I don't believe that Walz was dithering.

Rather, the BLM / Antifa riots were (CCP backed) efforts to influence the 2020 elections. Walz (IMHO) was at a minimum sympathetic to the BLM cause - and perhaps following orders from those coordinating the whole thing nationally (see also Walz's involvement with the CCP over DECADES).

So his "dithering" was not due to indecisiveness, but waiting until authorization from Leftist forces behind the curtain to call in the National Guard (maybe once the optics were turning negative for the "mostly peaceful" BLM).


2004: Swift-Boat John Kerry

2024: Swift-Resigned Tim Walz

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One the money as usual Tom. Walz joined the National Guard himself when he was 17. Not like he does not know what it is for and when it's needed.

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Again I ask, when do the real people of America stand up and say no more? We've seen multiple Coup d'état, through stolen elections, ineligible candidates, and a judiciary that can't define gender. The latest was a coup within the democrat party. "We know who your elected candidate was, but here's a better one". This country will not survive this election, no matter who wins. Our time for action solidly passed in 2020. True Americans are still be persecuted for expressing their demand that the presidential election not be certified until all questions were addressed. "If you can keep it" indeed. We haven't and we wont.

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The severity of and all-encompassing expanse of the punishment of thought was swift and lasting after 2020. We are in the final stages of the hostile take-over and there is no Lone Ranger or Superman. What the PTB are waiting for is a rise of resistance they can squash once and for all - a Tiananmen Square event. Divine Providence is in order but does a secular nation that disavows God's laws deserve it?

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To say no more than is obvious, Walz is a putz.

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He, along with Pelosi, Obama, Harris, Feinstein, and many more are Maoist, trained in the art of take-over.

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Walz is 1000000000% a TOTAL-PUPPET of the 💀Evil🇨🇳CCP……

May God help the🇺🇸US and the 🌎Whole-World if they again Rig our 🗳️Presidential-Election and install this Treasonous-Fool

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