PS: Slight amendment to your take on Biden….it’s not just that he’s old, senile, always been an empty suit, and compromised.
It’s much worse than that, AND common among Dems. He’s never seen a tax cut he liked, or a tax hike he didn’t like. Over time this is hideously destructive, ruining ppls’ chances to become prosperous or even save money for large purchases, while growing govt unnecessarily and letting them resdistribute income to buy votes. I absolutely detest this habit of Democrats, and it’s never described in any media, although to me it’s OBVIOUS.
TERRIFIC article Sam, so I subscribed monthly.
PS: Slight amendment to your take on Biden….it’s not just that he’s old, senile, always been an empty suit, and compromised.
It’s much worse than that, AND common among Dems. He’s never seen a tax cut he liked, or a tax hike he didn’t like. Over time this is hideously destructive, ruining ppls’ chances to become prosperous or even save money for large purchases, while growing govt unnecessarily and letting them resdistribute income to buy votes. I absolutely detest this habit of Democrats, and it’s never described in any media, although to me it’s OBVIOUS.
ALL thx to Biden & his ilk.