Useful idiots ginned up to destabilize. After the election expect the numbers to swell as myriads face deportation and the Chinese Special Forces and Jihadis that have infiltrated our Republic get their marching orders. Going to be a long street brawl.

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Am wondering if the explosion at the Ohio bank was one of theirs.

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It was obvious to me that these weren’t normal protesters doing what students have always done, and have the 1st amendment right to do, as Jeffrey Saks said on Glenn Greenwald’s show. It was more than the identical tents & coordination that made me know this was different. It was the venom in their eyes & aggressive body language that is not typical of a student protester. The leaders had the appearance of well-paid, trained mercenaries.

Jeffrey Saks has always made me feel uneasy. No one else seems to think he’s anything but a wise professor who knows and cares about world events. Maybe I’m wrong about him. I’ll find out a bit more after finishing Tucker’s interview with Saks.

Maybe Mr Faddis will give us his thoughts on Professor Saks.

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I quit watching the Sacks/Carlson interview last night at the 1:24 mark. Had to get to bed. Will watch the rest today.

Have you seen this from 7-8 years ago? Sachs on America and the NWO. I did not watch the entire thing. DJT had only been in office for a few months and Jeffrey lambasted him . . .


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Thanks. I will watch it

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They’re not “activists”, they’re extremists operating in the gray zone of domestic terrorism. The establishment Democrats—the few left— give them a wink and a smile because they have to win Michigan and the rest of that party supports them—probably 70-80%.

The desert people are here.

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After half of Tucker’s interview, Jeffrey Sachs seems great on Ukraine.

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Bill Ayers - Weather Underground founder, and B. Hussein Obama's political mentor - and retired Professor of Education / developer of pedagogy now used across the U.S.

From Chicago. From which Saul Alinsky, Valerie Jarret and her father, and Frank Marshall Davis also hailed. And which was B. Hussein Obama's launching pad.

Can't shake the feeling that he's involved, looking to reprise the 1968 Democrat Convention demonstrations (ALSO IN CHICAGO) and this time, to cap his career, to soon consummate the revolution he's spent his life fomenting.

I'll never forget the photo of Bill Ayers (in the NYT Magazine?) that happened to appear on the 9/11/2001 issue, in which Ayers is stomping on an American flag, on the ground in a dirty alleyway.

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Just like the revolutionary acts performed in the 60s with the Black Panthers, Weather Underground and FSM, the core objective is overlaid with sympathetic causes. Society, government, media and higher education have been plagued by the infiltration of foreign ideas and actors since the late eighteen hundreds. It has always been about obscuring history, influencing, indoctrination, controlling discourse and thought - higher education rules in this regard.

The republicans in Congress have either fallen prey to a false mindset or have been bought off. In this country, we are all allowed to think and say what we want until we aren't through force of law and penalty. Thanks House GOP.

The Hamas/Israeli war was manufactured as was Ukraine/Russia. Follow the money to the final goal - a new world order where perhaps it is China that reigns, although the City of London and the Vatican have to approve of that. I'm not sure either have thought this through carefully. What do the Banksters say? They are all Jewish.

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