
I sent that because, as you know, the reason January 6th happened, was for them to put Biden in place, to help the CCP & Russia. Everything we have been researching, investigating and analyzing, tie directly to Clinton, Obama, Biden, Putin, XI and what they planned to do to the country and the world. Sounded crazy 4 years ago ( I was trying to bring it out for the past 16 years ), but now you see the results of their planning.

They are getting done exactly what they wanted to accomplish. ( not so crazy when you see the development, implementation and results ) that is true for any scenario, Pearl Harbor, 911 and on. sounds crazy to people when you get it out, because their minds are small and closed, they have to see it happen to believe it (by then it's too late)

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We miss your Sitreps on the Ground Truth

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Don't these people have JOBS to go to? They are lucky that I was not one of those folks who were so inconvenienced by their "blockade". I would not hesitate to get out of my car and drag one or two of them by their hair out of the roadway. And deliver a swift kick or two to them while moving them... I would not be gentle... ENOUGH OF THIS CRAP ALREADY!!! I want my life back!!!

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Those “protesters” are taking advantage of America’s generosity… If they chanted “death to Iran” or “death to Palestine” in their home countries, the police would immediately kill all of them…. Why should we tolerate ANYONE chanting “death to America” right on our home soil??

Strip them of Citizenship and Deport them!! I’m tired of taking 💩BS from people that don’t deserve and/or appreciate being 🇺🇸here!!

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This is what Obama and Biden have done to America. 🤬

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