This comment is a bit long (sorry), but I believe I raise some highly pertinent points:

As usual, a spot-on piece from Mr. Faddis. FWIW, I believe that for additional context we also need to recall the first-two terms of Obama (de facto we’re now in #3).

B. Hussein Obama has a lifetime of his toes in the water for both Marxism and Islam. If there were a poster boy for the “Red-Green Axis,” he’d be it.

During his stints I/II we saw him help the Muslim Brotherhood begin erecting a caliphate across northern Africa (a/k/a the propagandist’s spin of the “Arab Spring”). The primary objective of II was the “Iran Deal” and its pallets of cash to Iran, while enabling Iran to continue nuclear weapons development.

As we get into III, we have “Biden” sending tens of billions to Iran.

Now on to Afghanistan. I never served in the military. (One of my great “life regrets” now. Got out of college during the Carter years, and it didn’t seem a good idea at the time. My hat’s off to better people than I who did still enlist.)

That said, I have to believe that standard military protocol / standing orders are that you destroy equipment that would be useful to the adversary BEFORE retreating. Logic then dictates that direct orders were given to countermand that, and to (in effect) GIFT those tens of billions of dollars of military equipment to the Taliban. Those giving the orders knowing full-well the uses it would be put to (including providing, e.g., electronics to the CCP so it could reverse-engineer).

Speaking of drones, does anyone else recall how during II Obama allowed one of our drones to be retained by Iran?

And now, during III, cadres of probably CCP military units and terrorist cells are being welcomed and distributed across our heartland, using our taxpayer dollars to do it.

While I can’t prove it,* it seems that one can only conclude that B. Hussein Obama from the beginning has been acting as a fifth-column working to undermine, if not take-out, the USA.

Not that he’s alone. For sure, there are individuals and entities – enemies foreign and domestic – that presumably groomed and aided his ascent, and who are also actors within this fifth-column (see, e.g., the element of the CCP’s “unlimited warfare” doctrine called “elite capture”).

*Our intelligence agencies know doubt know. But it appears that they are now fifth-columnists, too – especially the CIA and FBI.

The 2024 elections are shaping up to be their kill-shot for the USA. If we don’t overcome the machinations and the election fraud infrastructure (which has bipartisan support), there won’t be enough of our Constitutional Republic left to save once the 2028 elections come around.

Pray and vote. Vote and pray. Encourage everyone you know to do the same.

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” – 2 Chronicles 7:14

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Yes, all the above. O and his team also either allowed or were complicit in the terrorist attacks on the home front. He had MBH in admin, and military. He left Trump ISIS which he said eradication would take years.

As Mr. Faddis has reported, Chinese military age men are coming through the southern border and onto the FL beaches. Biden/Harris allowing illegals to serve in the military.

It has all been done in plain sight of everyone who has cared to see it.

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The world is a chess board and every few years, with cues from behind the curtain, the board refreshes. Nothing is happenstance for it is all choreographed and orchestrated over long periods of time, centuries. The City of London and its progeny, Washington D.C., are the means used to keep the world on fire. So far there has only been one minuscule speed bump. The NWO demands chaos, deaths, and casualties as the means to succeed.

Those engaged in Afghanistan will do their part, oblivious to the manipulation by others, occurring for centuries to gain wealth and power through the destruction and renaming of nations. Whatever is generated from this Terror Factory is sure to be followed by a new chess board.

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Absolutely terrifying!! Gotta post this everywhere…

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I read the title of todays article and thought it was an update on the bio-lab in Reedley California. I'm unsure of what would be worse, weaponized mice or being attacked by military hardware that I paid for. As the late great Rush Limbaugh would say "we are in heap big trouble".

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