This topic and government school boards frustrate me to no end. ALL these boards work at the behest of THE PEOPLE. WE are the government. WE are the funders of all these demonic policies. Sadly many of the good people have gone silent, moved to more conservative towns cities and states, which leaves those less able to move victims. But I agree Mr. Faddis, it is a revolution and it is winning. I will hate to see violence as the means to right this ship but I fear we are to that point. Is it time to take the revolutionary tactic of destruction to force the conservative point, to take back the libraries and schools? Again I hope not.

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I would think that the new "policy" would mean squat. Librarians are town employees. Is there a committee of Trustees? Did this pass by the town council? If this is a small town, do they have town meetings where warrants are discussed and voted on? Stop wasting time holding signs and yelling. Find out who made these decisions and use all the tools available to remove those who are behind this and fire the librarian.

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Or, the town should defund the entire library and close it. I believe that was done somewhere else in a similar situation.

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>>The Revolution has begun. It is everywhere, and the revolutionaries are winning.

Indeed. The success of their revolutionary aims is for a critical mass of citizens to remain blissfully unaware of what is occurring, at least until it is too late.

More and more folks are starting to get "red pilled" - but we're in a race against time.

For those who may be skeptical regarding what Mr. Faddis is saying, please acquaint yourself with:

Antonio Gramsci and the concept of "the long march through the institutions."

Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" where he picked up and advocated Gramsci's tactics. Hillary Clinton was an acolyte of Alinsky, who also developed the occupation of "community organizer." The most famous "community organizer" being B. Hussein Obama, his "occupation" between law school and entering politics ... in Bill Ayers' living room.

Yuri Bezmenov's videos from the 1980's, in which this ex-KGB officer discusses how Communists takeover a country over multiple generations via subversion. As you'll watch, you'll immediately recognize the parallels between what he said, and what has occurred in this country since that time.

Finally, watch the 2023 documentary "Pandemic 3: The Great Awakening." It's a great initial overview to the above, and amongst other things juxtaposes a G. Edward Griffin talk from 1969 about the Communist techniques for revolution (without military force), again touching upon subversion. Again, you'll see the parallels with what has been occurring in this country.

Mr. Faddis is right. The revolution is - and has been - underway.

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Yes, we were warned by many and by history. The signs were there starting late 19th century with major gains established by our own government last century. The John Birch Society was active against this ahead of even G. Edward Griffin.

The colleges have been great incubators of student discontent which readies its perfected radicals for job placement sponsored or enabled by institutions like Brookings, established in 1916, alongside the Council on Foreign Relation; the Aspen institute est in 1949, and by Foundations like Carnegie Corp, Ford, Rockefeller Brother’s fund, the Lumina Foundation and so forth.

This is not a hit and miss system but a well-defined model for the systematic undermining and then control all institutions, local, country, state, nation, and church. Yes, schools, libraries, land use boards, etc. Everything is in play. The rise of Occupy Wall Street, defund the police, Antifa, CRT, LGBT+++, DEI, all these non-sensical, un-scientific, nature ignoring props were not let loose on society in a vacuum – all the necessary players and funding were in place. They are now ubiquitous and in charge. We might want to play for keeps, but they hold ALL the cards.

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Yes, thanks for the mention of the John Birch Society.

I analogize Collectivism to a biological genus, with species below it: Communism, Socialism (with myriad subspecies such as Fabians and Democratic Socialists), Fascism and Progressivism.

Progressivism has been the dominant strain / species in this country, and has been accreting power here since Woodrow Wilson, if not before. The Progressives are allied with the "species mates" across the globe.

I would also submit that Collectivism is, at root, a Satanic force.

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Amen to your analogy. I am always glad to jump off the Left/Right talking points in use. Agree it is a satanic force. Man was created with free will, good or bad. There is no free will in a collective. Wilson paid too much attention to those professors at Johns Hopkins that were all education in Germany. At least prior to that, all presidential candidates running on a socialist platform were roundly defeated by the people. After that the calculation changed to subversion.

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