I remember some illegal alien saying they were going to 'fundamentally change' our country. Here we are. You, Mr. Faddis, are playing my tune. I dropped my political affiliation with the GOP years ago because they forgot how to play offense after the Gipper left office. I refuse to donate to the GOP, I only contribute to candidates I can look in the eye, many can't pass the test. I will continue to fight for the handful of real conservatives in my state. I will fight against the travesty of child mutilation (shame on those parents!) I will fight drag queen story hours, I will fight allowing aliens to vote, I will fight DEI CRT and social credit scores. I will fight the WHO and WEF. I will not eat insect fillers nor synthetic 'meat'. I will never take another injection of anything. I'm tired of the lies, inaction and taxation. We allowed a coup in 2020 and now we are paying for it. I'll end by imploring parents to get their children out of public schools, Jews to return to Israel and support your God given land, and Americans to get on their knees and beg for God's forgiveness.

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I'm with you S.P.H. I do keep a Republican registration only for primary voting purposes (this cycle we actually have a MAGA-friendly primarying my RINO-Rep. Rutherford).

I don't donate to the party, but individual candidates and organization (e.g., True the Vote).

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I wrestle with my decision occasionally Tom. I agree with the partisan primary system, the party should elect their candidate. I am involved by supporting the candidate I think is the best choice, but by being independent it sends the message that to gain the NAV vote (in Oregon it's the largest voting block) they better be conservative and hold true to their word.

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Two words.

Color revolution.

It’s happening and in PA, our GOP is either in on it or very stupid.

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Women, where are you? You want to be equal, strong, courageous, and, yet, you say “I can’t listen to the news. I need to turn that chatter off because it bothers me, makes me uncomfortable. My husband filters it and tells me what I need to know.” If you had the strength needed to survive, you would be fighting and clawing to protect society, protect the children. March for that!

I am ashamed. I am a woman who listens. I am a woman willing to fight against this evil.

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One label for what is occurring is "UniParty." I prefer "Vichy Republicans," for they are de facto collaborators with the revolutionary occupiers of our institutions (their "long march through our institutions" having been completed, thanks to Republican complicity).

Those occupiers? Cadres of (what I refer to as) The Globalist-CCP Axis. Many "Republicans" are also compromised assets of the CCP and its "elite capture" operation.

There is an internecine war between the MAGA base of the GOP, and the GOP Establishment / Vichy. Those Vichy are sitting on their hands about Bannon et als. because they too see MAGA as the enemy.

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Thank you, Phoenicia Redman, for your example of strength.

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It’s beyond understanding because it’s evil. I despise so many of them that I couldn’t say who I hate most.

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