This was a difficult article to read, I fast forwarded through the illustrations. I'm not a prude, I am a sinner trying to be more like Him. I will not mock the God of Abraham Issac and Jacob, as my learning shows that will not turn out in my favor. Most religions hold respect for that God, even though they may have their own god. Recently the Russian president acknowledged the West is losing their moral bearings.

The further down the path of blatant disrespect of our Judeo-Christian founding by corporations (Anhauser-Busch, Target, MLB) the closer to the end of America I believe we are.

Have a meaningful Memorial day Mr. Faddis.

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The “Catholic“ archdiocese of LA has included an objection on its webpage. But they have reaped what they have sown. By kowtowing to sodomites for years through their ever-twisted interpretation of tolerance, this Vatican 2 sectarian diocese has set conditions for these organizations. Instead of fighting the evils of homosexuality, they actually have a rainbow-bedecked mission pandering to it. Where in the world did they think this was going to lead except to more open defiance of God?

We the lukewarm Catholics all share the blame for this. Let’s stop fooling ourselves into thinking that there is respectable homosexuality. There is no coexistence between Christ and sodomites.

Let’s consider this a Chastisement and get smart about this. Reject everything Vatican2. Seek Latin masses at independent churches. 15 decades a day. Follow the commandments. Pre-V2 spiritual reading.

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Sicko-psycho. They are trying to normalize the satanic.

Resist to the end.

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How much more sickness shall we humans take before standing and saying enough or we....! ? 🇺🇸🤷‍♂️🌎🥶

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The regime that absolutely HATES Christians are the Chinese commies. Any activity that attacks Christianity is another notch of success for the CCP in the continuation to tear down the functional and decent social fabric of the west. It's purpose is to demoralise the people and an extra plus for the CCP is to humiliate of the West.

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