Treason. Accountability and punishment must follow.

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Walz could even be more 🇨🇳CCP💰💵Bribed than China-Joe….. With at least 30 Trips to China, how could anyone even possibly think otherwise of Walz??!!

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Too little too late, so what's the plan? The 'opposing' party is as worthless, and probably as corrupt, as the party currently in power. I can only hope this is a shot across the bow to all those who have illicitly profited from Chyna. Now let's see some action action action...

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There was Diane Feinstein, and the rep with the girl friend Fang Fang. I have always assumed that many were purchased prior to their election into 'public service' as Joe was when the Communist Party USA got him that senate seat he occupied all those decades.

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Yes, I believe as well that many of the uniparty are bought and paid for or compromised by other means. The corruption is throughout with most it seems being able to get away with it. These wrongdoers need to be held accountable and punished for their crimes.

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The Republicans, like McConnell, let this happen.

Will we ever have conservative leadership in the senate? Will Thune, the RINO, replace McConnell? Maybe Rand Paul will be voted in if he nails Fauci?

Any thoughts on the very strange Mike Johnson?

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Proven at last, yet nothing will probably be done. Because Biden is a liberal -

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As usual, the pathetic and impotent GOP manage to produce this document after the senile incompetent as Mark Steyn would say moth-eaten sockpuppet that is "our" president has been put out to pasture. Why wasn't this put forward in say 2021? 2022? 2023? when we still had a chance to save our nation. Losers all of the them and of course THEY FUNDED IT ALL!!!

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Doesn't China have a huge presence in PA?

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