Saddest is that none of this gets straight reporting and almost all Americans have no idea the the danger we are in right now. While I do not have visibility and expertise in logistics, I just read that we burned through a large pct of our HIMARS inventory and it will take 2 years to restock. Am I wrong to feel like we are possibly making ourselves more vulnerable? How much of our current stockpiles can we ship to Ukraine without damaging our own readiness? When I see the numbers of weapons systems, it's clear we've dug into our 'readiness' stockpiles'. Am I wrong to be concerned?

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This is nothing new. Our airlines and airports have been hit before. Each time more airline/airports get hit, “loose power, have computer problems the system is down” it is only inconvenient for some people. What happens when it is banking, healthcare, your car? Biden is gunning for a war, he is doing everything he can to see just how bad, bad is.

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"There was an aura about 1914 that caused those who sensed it to shiver for mankind. Tears came even to the most bold and resolute." - Barbara Tuchman, "The Guns of August"

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