Take a look at the national security apparatus of the Biden administration, and you will be struck by one thing. There is not a man or woman among Joe’s appointees who has ever been in a fight. Joe himself spent his life as a politician and a shill for the credit card industry. His appointees are all academics, Democratic Party hacks, and Chinese Communist Party puppets.
These self-appointed elitists have no idea what it is like to be punched in the mouth or hear a shot fired in anger. Their idea of combat is watching the video of a missile hitting a target half a world away. War and conflict are the province of the underclasses, the poor kids, and the guys who actually still believe in this country and the principles for which it stands.
So, one presumes that the news that the Russians just hacked a bunch of our major airports came as quite a shock to our “leaders.” When they were coming up with the idea of blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines and pumping endless supplies of weapons and munitions to Ukraine it probably never entered their minds to consider that ‘Vlad might hit back’.
Monday morning a number of America’s most important airports were targeted for cyber attacks by individuals within Russia. Fortunately, only the websites for the airports were hit. The systems which handle air traffic control, internal airline communications, coordination, and transportation security were not affected.
This time.
"It's an inconvenience," said a senior administration source speaking to ABC News. He was attempting to diminish the significance of the attacks. He missed the point entirely.
Russian hackers did not hit airport websites, because that is all they can do. They hit airport websites because they were attempting to send a message. Back off.
"Killnet," a Russian hacker group, is believed to be behind the attack. These are not the first attacks Killnet has carried out. The group, which emerged around the time Russia invaded Ukraine, has previously hit a wide range of other targets including some inside the United States.
Last week Killnet attacked state government websites across America. The group took credit for the attacks in a post on the messaging app Telegram which showed a nuclear explosion behind the Statue of Liberty with text reading: "F*** NATO."
Prior to those attacks, Killnet targeted Lockheed-Martin, the American defense contractor which makes the HIMARS rocket system the United States is providing to Ukraine. The news of that attack was reported by a Russian-language news service called Life.ru.
“The notorious HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems, supplied to Ukraine by the aforementioned military-industrial corporation, allow the criminal authorities of the Kyiv regime to kill civilians, destroy the infrastructure and social facilities of the still temporarily occupied Ukraine,” the Killnet said in a statement cited by Life.ru.
Killnet also previously targeted the U.S. Congress and an airport in the state of Connecticut.
Killnet has carried out attacks across Europe. In June, it struck Lithuania in retaliation for the blockade imposed by Lithuania on the transit of EU-sanctioned Russian goods such as steel and iron ore to the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad that lies between Lithuania and Poland.
Killnet officially declared cyber war against the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Romania, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, and Ukraine on May 16, 2022. Since this announcement, the group has been launching DDoS attacks against organizations operating in the targeted nations. The group has hit targets in Poland, Ukraine, Italy, Norway, and the Czech Republic.

Commercial aircraft take off, land, and fly under direction from the ground. Air traffic controllers monitor the locations of the thousands of aircraft in flight via ground-based radar systems and carefully manage the altitude, direction, and speed of airliners and private planes to avoid mid-air collisions and crashes on runways.
That entire system is controlled by computers and tied to the Internet. If the air traffic control system goes down, hundreds if not thousands of people could die. Multiple government reports have warned of this threat for years, and the Russians have previously demonstrated their capability to crash air traffic control systems in the real world.
In 2015, the Russians attacked the air traffic control system of Sweden and took it down for five days. The attack caused the radar systems on the ground to stop working and computer screens to go blank. Air traffic controllers could see nothing. Hundreds of flights were grounded until the attack ended.

The Biden administration continues to pour fuel on the fire that is the war in Ukraine. Even as ever more warning lights are blinking red all we hear is more tough talk and reports of increasingly close cooperation between the U.S. military and intelligence services and Ukraine. This conflict will get out of hand. It will drag us in. Americans will die, and we will find ourselves in another conflict with no clear idea of how we got there.
Russia has fired a warning shot. Pay attention. Get the warring parties to the negotiating table and bring this conflict to a close.
The next shot fired will be for real.
Saddest is that none of this gets straight reporting and almost all Americans have no idea the the danger we are in right now. While I do not have visibility and expertise in logistics, I just read that we burned through a large pct of our HIMARS inventory and it will take 2 years to restock. Am I wrong to feel like we are possibly making ourselves more vulnerable? How much of our current stockpiles can we ship to Ukraine without damaging our own readiness? When I see the numbers of weapons systems, it's clear we've dug into our 'readiness' stockpiles'. Am I wrong to be concerned?
This is nothing new. Our airlines and airports have been hit before. Each time more airline/airports get hit, “loose power, have computer problems the system is down” it is only inconvenient for some people. What happens when it is banking, healthcare, your car? Biden is gunning for a war, he is doing everything he can to see just how bad, bad is.