When will our pathetic so called elected leaders stand up and say enough of this destruction? Screw corporate interests who want cheap labor and the Catholic organizations reaping dollars into their coffers for sponsoring these illegals. I am sorry the opportunities aren't the same in their native countries but that is no excuse to invade and overrun ours. There are something like 85,000 children whose whereabouts are unknown. How can anyone claim this is humane?

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When the news of this shooting first came out it was by a man with an AR-15. I was waiting for all the "Anti-Gun" Nuts to come out of the woodwork, but then I heard "Nothing", just crickets, and wondered why. Then the story came out that the "Shooter" was a Mexican National. Then some more of the story drifted into the news and now they have a big reward out for him. Another reason the story hasn't gone big time is that the people he killed were from a Central American country, which, they are humans that didn't deserve this.

I'll bet he's back in Mexico, safe and sound (or maybe not). One other question I have is, Is this individual part of a Cartel, in the states to manage drug movement?? Another question I have is "Where did he get his gun?" Did he bring it across the border or buy it here??

Boy, this shooting sure dropped off the Radar Screen of all the Anti-Gun people really quick.

This administration continues to really screw up anything it touches or manages, but that's for another discussion.

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