Treason on an industrial scale. Between the hopefully election of Trump and his being seated in January expect all hell to break loose unlike anything we have seen in the history of our Republic. Contingencies in place prayer needed

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What I'll refer to as "Purposeful Incompetence" appears to be the order of the day (i.e., a favored tactic) of the Biden-Harris Junta, and whatever all forces actually run it.

We see that same, e.g., with the border. Even many "conservatives" speak of Mayorkas' "failure to secure the border" and similar statements.


"Purposeful Incompetence" is merely to mask the intent, and provide "plausible deniability" for as long as possible - hopefully (for them) at least until after they've accomplished their goals, if not forever.

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Absolutely, and there is no amount of "lipstick" that could change this to be anything else, IMO.

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Excellent point all Mr. Faddis. To me it is obvious there is a global effort to prohibit DJT from acquiring the office of POTUS. In this last case, how did a narcissistic loser determine the prez was golfing that day and what time for that particular hole? Sure, he could have been there an hour or so but time is the enemy of a clandestine operation. Someone(s) close to the prez is an enemy, and they had better be found immediately. I do not want to see the next S'Stack explaining how an assassin was successful.

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