High Chancellor Adam Sutler (in the 2005 movie "V for Vendetta") was actually pre-programming folks in the UK for 2024 Prime Minister Keir Starmer!

Who knew?

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As we creep ever closer to same right here in the USA. We live in a demonic post constitutional era. 'If we can keep it' passed under the bridge when the Kenyan proclaimed he was fundamentally changing America. Mission accomplished.

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Watch your Ps and Qs - you don't want to get on the wrong side of the Man. I wonder if that 1986 Public Order Act was brought about by Thatcher's victory against the miner's strike of 1984-85.

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Shapiro plans on targeting anyone who questions outcome of 2024 election. Joe has similar plans. This is wearing thin.

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The British people (if there are any left) should refuse to work. Stay home. Do not spend any money. Do not drive your cars etc. Let all the homeboys that are living free in the hotels support the government and their taxes. Would love to see the impact. You do not have to comply with this tyranny.

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