Stop sending billions to Ukraine lining God knows whose pockets. Those Ukrainians are almost already dead. I want someone to find out who really pulled the trigger on this. Who….?

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This insanity is one more step in the destruction of our Republic and the collapse into a Global governance to create Global Peace. Nukes will jack up the fear worse than COVID. Not surprised if Trump already is taking steps to mitigate this.......and hopefully the attack on Ukrainian civilians

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We know how the Biden Administration operates, and we see the fallout as a consequence. His timing…couldn’t be more obvious! If this fear comes to a negative fruition; let other’s file a Warrant against his Administration for War Crimes and inciting a World War.

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I’m no Democrat and certainly not a Biden fan, at all, but if we (the U.S.) give up on Ukraine? It only emboldens China.

Biden, Obama, Clinton all have practiced what Peter Schweizer termed “big help with a little badmouth”. Translation? They each help our main enemies in Russia and China during their time in the WH while making the American public believe they are staunch defenders of the American people and freedom and way of life we enjoy. Communist sympathizers, assets.

And, again, Biden aside, Russia invaded Ukraine. This violated the agreement (Budapest Memorandum) betwen the U.S., Britain, Russia and Ukraine in 1994. Like it or not, the U.S. agreed to help Ukraine (not with boots on the ground) but military aid if the Russians ever invaded sovereign territory. Period.

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And we broke our promise to never invite Ukraine into NATO. We provoked Russia. We invited it. Near as I can tell, this was all to protect the Biden Family Crime Syndicate assets in Ukraine.

It is by far the most corrupt administration in history.

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…help, yes. Finance the lions share… haven’t found where that was written just yet…

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One word EVIL

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Desperate men--and they are desperate, because they have so much to lose on Jan 21--do desperate things. Alcoholics are capable of any atrocity. If desperate men are alcoholics, the atrocities of which they are capable are a shoo-in.

The behaviors and actions of many in the current administration strongly suggest alcohol/other psychoactive drug addiction. They have 62 days. We need to be prepared.

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….indeed - same as it ever was with this admin… either chicken-salad or chicken-sh*t… you decide. Clear enuf on the treason side of this fool… sooner that ball is in play, the better….

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Biden makes another Ukraine policy shift with approval of sending anti-personnel mines

Biden makes another Ukraine policy shift with approval of sending anti-personnel mines


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