"Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them." - George Orwell, 1984

When I think of that quote + Professor Mattias Desmet's concept of "mass formation" (that many of us became familiar with related to Covid) ...

... it occurs to me that perhaps the (or at least, "a") dynamic at play is societal "MASS FORMATION DOUBLETHINK" thanks to the corporatist media / 5G warfare tactics.

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Oh yeah we’re definitely experiencing 5GW. The psyop of all psyops. Which C_IA director was it that said (paraphrasing here) We’ll know we’ve won when everything we tell them is a lie and they all believe it. Casey was it? Can’t remember who but I will never forget the sentiment.

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You mean Obama's 4th.

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