Anyone who still feels that the burning of Notre Dame was an "accident"?

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No way

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So many thoughts running through my mind, which is not as well read as yours Mr. Faddis'. Indeed I needed to look up the battle of Tours, hopefully the information I read had not been re-written by PC AI. Hint, keep your old books (and Bibles) folks.

To your take on early immigrants to America, I would think most were of a Christian faith, or at least secular, thus little conflict of a religious nature with native Americans. Muslims have a completely different take when it comes to religion, following Allah and the Koran. It is not a religion of peace as GW Bush tried to convince us in 2001. It is the religion of Jihad.

Just as with the riots in 2020, the death of George Floyd was the trigger to a year of unrest and social change. This time an Algerian youth, I'm sure with a spotless record just like George Floyd, until he tried to kill police officers, is the trigger to the current chaos.

And the leader of France, reminds me of another leader named Zelenskyy. Country at war but nowhere to be found, except in rich western nations with his hand out. Perhaps Zelenskyy should go to France and ask for his weapons back, seems to be a lot of armament on the street for a country where private gun ownership is very tightly controlled.

So what does the current lesson in France (and Belgium and now Switzerland) have for the USA? I'll repeat, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed and I don't believe in crystal balls, but the Brandon admin has prepped us for a fall. We have a large Muslim population already, and devout Muslims selected to all levels of political office. We see other enemies of the state crossing, even assisted, into the country from China and South America. Someone wants to see America looking like France. Then a global martial law will be declared, elections prohibited, currency confiscated. And you thought the CV-19 'lockdown was bad. Theres a lot worse coming and his name is anti-Christ.

Sorry for the long post, and this is (mostly) opinion. And you know what is said about those...

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Wrong. TPTB are using Muslims (sound familiar Mr. CIA?) to justify the use of “covid-tested” societal controls. Frozen bank accounts, lost jobs, martial law errr “lockdowns” etc etc.

Watch who ends more tyrannical than before when the French government “cracks down”…Hint: it won’t be Muslims.

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Brilliant. But let me take you to the end zone here: This is a Zionist/Talmudist ploy: Turn the world’s ire towards Islam and away from where it belongs: At Israel.

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Israel is far from perfect, St. Demetrios, no doubt. But what nation is? Yes, Abram is the father of Islam through Hagar. That was not God's plan but the plan of man, just as the original fall in the garden. The wife offers the husband partakes. And the devil is involved in every bit of this. No denying the spiritual battle.

There is nothing squeaky clean about any nation, none of them! Until II Chronicles 7:14 is taken earnestly the world is doomed.

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It was predicted by French Generals in April 2021 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-56899765

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Not a civil war. France was invaded as we are being invaded. Doubt it will be long before the police are joined by France's military and a real war breaks out on their soil to reclaim their sovereignty. Wonder how EU Parliament is feeling today?

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Imagine the frogs fighting the Battle of Tours today. They would report the belligerents for bullying to an adult and expect someone else to fight the battle for them.

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Ivan Raiklin brings you names, dates, connections and extremely important issues in connecting the dots of this globalist cabal!

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