Interesting way/excuse to get rid of female pregnant cows. Usually they are used in herds to give birth and the calf is then neutered, fed out and used for meat.. with the female being reimpregnated. Many good female cows can live up to 20 years of a productive life. If they are reducing the herds by killing off the mother cows, it will be years to reestablish a breeding herd. With an increase in world human population that is an interesting way for the 'global cult' to manipulate food shortages.

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I have subscribed for years to Range Magazine https://www.rangemagazine.com/ (no offense to AND Magazine). One of my favorite columns is titled 'Red Meat Survivors', folks in their very senior years that have been eating [real] beef their entire lives. Great stories on ranching, politics and art too.

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Hi Chet, found your substack through an outside source. I am a USAFA grad and just launched landflyordie.substack.com

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Hard pass.

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Friend of mine raises chickens. I get my eggs from her. Will be looking into local farms for my beef and other meat products from now on. I don't eat a lot of red meat but when I do I want to know it's really red meat.

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Great information.

As I read this, the thought also came to mind: "What's wrong with the food designed by God? By what force do they think that they can improve upon it?"

I believe that you know what force I allude to.

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My thoughts exactly Tom. Man, in his arrogance, thinks he can replace the only true God, the creator of heaven and earth. They attempt to control the weather, control food, control conception and birth, and convince children they can change their biological sex. I'm guessing these same people will claim there is no God, but they work non stop to to replicate everything from something they don't believe in. I pity the people that fall for this fake food. Just don't force it on me.

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