A popular podcaster with law enforcement history in NY and DC has been exhorting people to 'get the hell out of New York'. Two observations on my part. Leftists hate the military...until they need them to save their arse, and union pacs always support the Dem candidate, then complain about how dangerous conditions have become for the membership. I don't wish evil on anyone but I don't feel sorry for the rank and file that allow their dues to be used this way. We are now a third world country in the inner cities. The millions of illegals will make their way to the suburbs and third world status will follow. The America I grew up in is gone, my children had a taste of what I and my previous generation fought for. My grandchildren? I fear and pray for them daily, God forbid they become the next Laken Riley. Or one of the dozen others that have been murdered by the actions of this administration.

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How bad does it have to get?

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If only we could learn something, anything, by observing reality and then modifying our behavior to avoid a few screamingly obvious dangers.

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