Wow! The comments on this thread are as good as the article itself. You all said everything that needed to be said. I esp enjoyed the hag remark and will absolutely steal that one. Also the vaporize comment I am whole and truly on board with. Really there’s nothing left to be said except Excellent piece and comments by all! God bless you all and keep you safe in these tumultuous times. ❤️

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It beyond maddening. My POV is a lil different. I just watched us spend what, 3 trillion USD in both Iraq and Afghanistan? How many lives lost? Adding up all coalition and contractors dead, you come up with 20,000 or so dead on our side. Hundreds of thousands seriously injured or maimed. Not to mention the over 1 million dead enemy and then civilians on top of that. And the Taliban and Al Qaida are still a threat? Try to grasp that simple truth. Our nation is totally screwed. We don't have the love of our own selves and nation required to actually fight any 'enemy' successfully. What a sad joke our nation has become. And don't tell me we couldn't have vaporized them all if we actually had the balls to do so.

I always have a weird POV it seems. Like when I watch documentaries on the Delta and Green Berets and CIA ops folks on the ground in Afghanistan while we were fighting with the Northern Alliance, I'm screaming at the TV: Why aren't we dropping supplies and ammo and providing much more significant CAS? Why didn't we have a massive presence on the ground? I watch those brave guys fighting on horseback and I'm like 'WTF?' I want to see ARMOR. Heli gunships. AC-130 gunships. And don't tell me we couldn't have forward deployed more force. Turns out this was 'fashionable' in DC. Our mil leadership was proud that we 'weren't going to get bogged down like the Russians'. Lol.

We never won. They just retreated and reformed, over and over and over...And here we are. I'm embarrassed to be an American.

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Americans can accomplish whatever task is before them, if allowed to do so. Our hands are being tied behind our backs, whether it the military or private industry. Somebody is profiting from this restriction, I'm unsure who.

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I sit here in utter disbelief of what has happened to our country as well as the world. Men like you have dedicated their lives to protect our homeland and keep its citizenry safe. We dropped the ball during the Clinton administration when the Lincoln bedroom was sold for campaign contributions and secrets went missing from Los Alamos. 9/11 stunned us and shook us to our core and we united saying this would never happen again. The thrill of electing the nation's first black president overrode the need to have qualifications and again we started sliding into the abyss. The fundamental transformation included the push to early retirement many military officers who did not embrace the partisan programs. After the Hag failed to be elected, the left vowed its revenge. The first tragedy was General Flynn who was sacrificed by an inept administration who really didn't understand what they were up against, relying on the advice of GOP hacks. They never truly got on course as there were too many appointments who were against their platform. We have a blatantly anti-American POTUS who somehow garnered 81 million votes and yet our representatives are not calling for an impeachment, not calling out the border crisis, not stopping the spending crisis and are complicit in our destruction. Is is all for money? for power? to be in the "in" crowed? The bill is coming due. God save us.

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Great post. Agree with it all.

My sons said that Bin Laden materialized under US tutelage as a weapon of war. I am not a proponent of killing someone in advance of a suspected crime at some later date. The goal should have been to get him charged and in prison for the 1998 bombings. Clinton failed on purpose. We had the means and the legal right as it was our embassy. My sons were never convinced the Gulf War was necessary for humanitarian reasons but more for Bush 41’s move towards the NWO. He is the one that signed us on to Agenda 21 right before he left office. He treated Clinton like a son because he also was part of the NWO. Al-Qaeda waited until Bush 43 and his war-loving VP were in office to make their move. Glenn Beck said almost a year in advance that Bin Ladin would take down the towers in NYC. If it was obvious to him then …? The wars that followed were part of the planned chao, deaths and migration needed by the NWO. Obama and the Hag continued the Middle East disruptions, the planned and orchestrated rise of ISIS and Kerry's Iranian love-fest. Then the four-year quest for an about-face which cause the decimation of ISIS and the unleashing of Covid and the escalation of our nation’s takedown we have been witnessing since Biden was installed. We must reach Agenda 2030 while the Adversaries are still alive to claim victory for the true Adversary, Satan, now backed by the Jesuit Pope Francis, whose church has been looking forward to this since the 1950s. America was formed by Divine Providence and mankind has shown it is not worthy of it.

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Loved that you too use “the Hag”! God’s will be done but heart breaks for the suffering of innocents due to man’s greed. The Sound of Freedom documents the evil allowed to pervade the US as we are a major contributor. All the trans/gay nonsense is meant to eventually decriminalize pedophilia and a lot of our youth haven’t a clue about what they are losing.

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I have not seen the movie yet. Will go this week. I did see several of Ballard’s movies he made during a few of his missions as they were shown by Glenn Beck on his TV program perhaps 6-7 years ago. That was Glenn’s way of giving his supporters the opportunity to donate to the cause.

The trans/gay nonsense has been in the works since post WWII. The financial founding families of the western world were always afraid that over-population would unnecessarily use up the world’s natural and finite resources. The Council of Population headed by Bernard Berelson was seeking ideas on necessary and useful activities relevant to formation of population policy, defined as "legislative measures, administrative programs, and other governmental actions (a) that are designed to alter population trends... or (b) that actually do alter them through a letter dated January 24, 1969. The Technical Assistance Division of Planned Parenthood-World Population answer was through Frederick S. Jaffe’s memo dated March 11, 1969. It was a composite of information provided from the following works: Jaffe, Frederick S. and Alan F. Guttmacher, "Family Planning Programs in the U.S. Demography (forthcoming). *Freedman, R.C. Coombs and L. Bumpass, “Stability and Change in Expectations About Family Size - A Longitudinal Study” Demography 1965, V.2; N.B. Ryder & C.F. Westoff, "The Trend of Expected Parity in the U.S. - 1955,1960,1965", Population Index, April-June, 1967.

Congress and Nixon requested on July 18, 1969, a report on population and John D. Rockefeller was commissioned to provided it. He did on March 27, 1972. Nixon shelved the report but ask Kissinger to do his own report re: third world population. After Nixon resigned, Ford unshelved the report and opened an Office on Population in the US.

I only go into this history because you understand the slow creep of our government in all matters, moving to a NWO. Gays are good especially their marriages, abortion is good, working women especially good, drugs affecting fertility good (mRNA jabs and steritlization drugs in the water), birth control excellent, and so forth all the way to transgenders are proud and you must conform to their pronouns and pay for their transitioning. That’s it in a nutshell. Tragic for the kids whose parents are only after attention via their children. Our educational system can take a bow for handling it all in stride.

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Shelley, i have thoroughly enjoyed and learned from your comments. I, too, started following OUR through Beck, but never realized the extent it has permeated our country/world. Thank you for taking the time to respond. Will look forward to future posts from you.

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Shelly, SweetPea, I'm on board with both of you. As I mature, which is a kind way of saying I'm getting old, and have been praying for wisdom, I am realizing that this great country of ours, which was given to us by the God of Abraham Issac and Jacob, with founding documents based on Judeo-Christian principles, is not the ideal I grew up in and served for four years. It seems all that was good, and there was very much good, was co opted after WWII, perhaps even earlier. I'm not sure.

The government of 'by and for the people' has been turned on its head and we have become slaves to government. We are manipulated daily through main stream media and social media, which I never took part in. I source all my information from select sites such as this one, but I take nothing at face value, no offense Mr. Faddis. Perhaps the last President I trusted was President Reagan, my Commander in Chief. We had nothing but deep state leaders since, until President Trump was elected. That was never 'the plan' and you see the hell he and we have gone through since. How he has withheld is beyond me. Perhaps that is God's will. But the world is now crumbling because of the leadership vacuum and all enemies are being exposed, many right here in America. Cue the song 81 million votes my ass. I never thought I would see this day but I guess it had to be.

I'll close with my favorite Bible verse II Chronicles 7:14, "if my people, who are called by my name, humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” I don't see that happening so I await the call to come home where I hope to hear those beautiful words "well done good and faithful servant".

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I feel your pain SPH. Were all in this together and it almost feels hopeless given the massive corruption in and malfeasance done by our government. Reagan was a calming force but like many of our leaders, was captive to the thoughts of certain advisors and of course not responsible for what Congress was up to.

AND Magazine always provides articles that are well informed because they are written by those with insight due to their backgrounds. They are also in the moment which will leave a diary-like trail for posterity.

It was God's voice that brought everything into being. Perhaps if millions of us humbled ourselves and raised our voices in prayer at the same time to seek His face....

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