In previous emails and comments I have often written that Biden's actions constituted treason, for which he should be prosecuted. I have also written that Biden would pardon himself and his family before he left office. I was only partially correct, because he didn't pardon himself. I suppose his rationale, or, more likely, that of his handlers/puppeteers, was that, since the DOJ had concluded that Biden wasn't sufficiently mentally competent to answer to charges that he had mishandled classified documents, the same circumstances would certainly apply to any crimes he committed during his term in office. Either that or he would die from whatever ailments that have been plaguing him for the last few years before the DOJ could indict him.

In a response to another Sam Faddis article, “The Mob Has Nothing On Joe,” I wrote that Trump was the fly in the ointment when it comes to Lady Justice wielding her sword in retribution to the Biden family's criminal enterprises. I pointed out that Trump had allowed the Hillary Monster to escape prosecution even though it was established beyond a reasonable doubt (there were published photos of the smashed phones) that she and her staff had, among other nefarious deeds, literally smashed with hammers the evidence of their attempts to undermine the 2016 election. As bad as the Hillary Monster’s Mob’s actions were, they were more on the order of a kid stealing a box of girl scout cookies when compared to the criminal machinations of, at least, some of the Biden family, including the Big Guy. My prediction that a Trump administration would not prosecute old Joe was validated, in part, by Trump in a NBC interview in which, when asked the question by the talking head concerning prosecuting Biden, he said his retribution would come in the form of his administration’s successes.

Whether or not this country goes to war with China over its boundary extending efforts in the South China Sea and/or its stated path to reclaim Taiwan and the sensor devices postulated by Sam Faddis in this article to have been inserted from the Chinese balloon into some of our most sensitive military facilities are found, Biden should be prosecuted for treason regardless of the success of the Trump administration. If he is dead, he should be tried in absentia. The Biden name should be blackened forever in the annals of history. Why? Those people that voted for a man who had become a multimillionaire on a public servant’s salary, had a well documented reputation as a liar and plagiarist, and who frequently couldn’t put together a cogent sentence should be reminded that votes have consequences. Voting for a man with a record like his is akin to picking up a rattle snake. You’re going to pay a price for it and it won’t be fun. In the case of Biden’s connection to China, it may be fatal.

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While DJT might not investigate - prosecute Joe-B, there's many other's he should, holding them accountable for past dirty - treasonous deeds!!!

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Not nearly as many people voted for him as the official tally shows, remember.

He most likely didn't even get the nomination without far more cheating than is admitted.

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And what do you call an Administration which allowed the gross compromise of National Security.....incompetence or treasonous?

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Don't let anyone tell you that it's retribution by Trump against Biden, it's merely justice under the law; or, a reckoning of their own making.

I would hope that both Sec. Gabbard and FBI Director Patel investigate this thoroughly as soon as Kash gets confirmed. Time is not on our side regarding this matter.

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Let's hope our new DNI and her intelligence agencies are prepared to root out any sensors the Biden regime allowed China, or any other adversary drop on US. It will be impossible to know if they find all of them or if there are any terror cells dormant within the US from all sorts of adversaries due to Biden's open border fiasco.

I could care less what his mental incapacities are, he should be tried for Treason. Maybe he can muster up enough brain cells to remember who his puppet masters were. Bribe him with his favorite flavor of ice cream for life as he sits in a padded cell!

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For Xi Jinping, conquering Taiwan is a launching pad into controlling the Pacific. Is the Trump administration going to allow that to happen?

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