No comment. Simply wishing you and yours a peaceful Thanksgiving, and may we survive to see one in 2024.

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One quibble.

No mention of B. Hussein Obama (who is presumably running the unelected Biden-Harris Junta in alliance with enemies foreign). Obama's record with, e.g., the "Iran nuclear deal" (which Iran never signed, but still got the pallets of cash), indicates both a hostility to the U.S. and fealty to and with the Muslim Brotherhood.

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not long ago, i was asking myself why there haven't been any 9/11 style attacks in america since 9/11. the answer is pretty obvious: there is a very limited rationale for attacking a non-neighboring territory's civilian targets unless you're being provided with national level resources and training.

regardless of their existing public images, nations don't want to be tied to their more unscrupulous actions and intentions and so nation-states are loathe to activate key insurgency/terrorist strikes except at opportune moments and in strategically valued territories.

a far more effective use of limited resources (in the absence of nation-state lures) is to attack and degrade local and regional government targets or outright ally with groups like Hezbollah and Hamas that receive nation-state level support and training resources. there is little to no reason that al Qaeda might attack america on us soil instead of, say, continuing to degrade and infiltrate the pakistani government given that any boon to recruitment or support following acts of domestic terrorism, aside from encouraging nation-states to fund or support the groups especially with heavy weapons, will be very temporary and fickle in allegiance.

the bulk of al Qaeda leaders and most of their allies are allocating their fighting resources primarily to tribal wars, not to conus targets. the idea that the main target continues to be america is al Qaeda's propaganda piece speaking and a diversionary tactic to gain foreign support for regional conflicts played off as grand strategy.

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