Breaking- As this article was being published a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (car bomb) apparently exploded at the Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls. The FBI is reportedly investigating the explosion as a terrorist attack.
"A special call to our people in Pakistan of jihad, sons of the brave tribes, Sindh, Punjab, and Balochistan. May Allah reward you for your stand-ins and demonstrations in defense of your brothers in the site of your Prophet's Nighttime Journey, but the ummah expects more of you…This is your opportunity to take revenge on those who displaced you, killed your children, and imprisoned your scholars and the best of your mujahideen…the Americans…So hurry and defend your brothers and religion. Drag the American ambassador and those who protect him through the streets.”
That’s an excerpt from a recent bulletin released by Al Qaeda Central Command. It is located in Afghanistan, the new terrorist super state created by Joe Biden when he withdrew our troops and abandoned the Afghan government. The bulletin overall is a general call to arms to Muslims everywhere to rise up and attack Jews and Americans and to overthrow any and all Muslim nations siding with the West. It makes special mention of Pakistan and asks the Pakistani military to side with Islamic extremists and seize power.
"We give nafeer [a call for universal mobilization] for every individual of the Muslim Ummah, every man and every woman to say Labbaik [yes] to the battle cry of jihad. The war against Israel and America will not be waged just in Israel and America, the entire world is the battlefield. And in this world today, no Israeli, no American, no European and non-European Zionist is safe; there is no protection for the embassies of these warring unbelievers; there is no protection for their civilians; wherever you find them, turn them into the fuel of hell.”
"Those who can get explosives or biological weapons, use them; those who can use knife or Kalashnikov, attack the unbelievers; those who can use hammers and chains should use them to crush their heads; those who cannot do these should use the weapon of writing and speaking, and even if this is not possible, then it is required by shari'a to pray."
That’s part of a similar announcement made recently by Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS), one of the five principal branches of that organization. Like Al Qaida Central AQIS is now based in Afghanistan, where it an a veritable constellation of radical Islamic terrorist groups that now enjoy safe haven and support from the Afghan Taliban. The immediate goal of all of these groups is the toppling of the Pakistani government next door.
Pakistan has something on the order of 200 operational nuclear weapons. It also has the planes and missiles to deliver them. The fall of Pakistan to this witch’s brew of increasingly powerful Islamic terrorist organizations would mean we would be face to face with people eager to bring on the end of the world and now armed with the means to do so.
Al Qaida and its allies do not want coexistence. They do not want to carve out a sphere of influence. They want Armageddon because in their view that means they win, we all die and they spend the rest of time in Paradise.
A jihadist who blows himself up in a suicide attack killing non-believers is not simply willing to die. He wants to die. It is in fact the act of dying in the performance of an attack on infidels that guarantees him entry to heaven.
Al Qaida has not gone anywhere. It is stronger than it has been in a long time and now enjoys the sponsorship of the Afghan Taliban who are secure in their new Islamic emirate and looking to spread the good word at the point of a sword far beyond their borders. In doing so, they are making good use of the billions of dollars worth of American weapons we abandoned in our precipitous flight from Kabul.
In the face of this rising threat, it is tempting to say that the Biden administration is doing nothing. That would be too kind. In fact, the Biden administration appears to be doing everything it can think of to help our enemies launch attacks and kill American citizens.
We have abandoned all control of our borders. Our laws have not changed. This administration simply refuses to enforce them. We now have an open border policy. Anyone from anywhere can enter at any time. We have no idea who they are, what they intend, or where they go inside the country once they get here.
Meanwhile, we continue to pump massive amounts of money into Afghanistan claiming it is being used for humanitarian purposes. The United States and other international donors hand the Taliban roughly $80 million in “aid” every two weeks. Since we left Afghanistan, the Biden administration has sent more than $2.5 billion to Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. We have no idea where that money went.
I will guarantee it didn’t go toward baby formula.
I have heard many people say that “every light on the board was blinking red” in the run-up to 9/11. If that is so, it is doubly true now. Al Qaeda still wants to kill you, and Biden might pay them to do it.
No comment. Simply wishing you and yours a peaceful Thanksgiving, and may we survive to see one in 2024.
One quibble.
No mention of B. Hussein Obama (who is presumably running the unelected Biden-Harris Junta in alliance with enemies foreign). Obama's record with, e.g., the "Iran nuclear deal" (which Iran never signed, but still got the pallets of cash), indicates both a hostility to the U.S. and fealty to and with the Muslim Brotherhood.