It's an oft-observed phenomenon that the Democrats (using that as shorthand for Globalists / Communists / Progressives) accuse our side of doing what in fact they are doing, not us. Most cite the psychological term "projection." That may be an element, but as Mr. Faddis observes, it is deliberate, tactical. The propaganda technique of "turnspeak" I think is the better description.

The Collectivists executed a coup in 2020, and see MAGA as "reactionaries" and "counter-revolutionaries" - i.e., those of us that are patriots and want our Constitutional Republic restored into place.

As Communists (et als.) have done throughout history, they will keep escalating the suppression of counter-revolutionaries until they assess "mission accomplished" and the revolutionary regime safely in place. Otherwise known as the consummation of "Agenda 2030" / "Great Reset."

Their cause is aided the longer that "normies" don't recognize what is occurring, at least not until after it's too late. So, for now, they're working to demonize MAGA while maintaining the (hollowed-out) edifices of "our democracy."

Along those lines, I believe that their preferred plan is to conduct elections in 2024 - ideally having eliminated Trump from the ballot, whether through lawfare or kinetic means - to keep as many "normies" ' sheeple as possible peacefully baa-baaing as they are herded into the Collectivist corral.

But if they decide that their election fraud - through polluted voter rolls, ballot harvesting and machine algorithms, and possible legalizing the millions of illegal aliens and putting their names on the rolls - are not locked-down enough to ensure their intended result, they may well foment a "crisis" to impose, e.g., martial law and "postpone" elections.

At this point, I would put my money on a "false flag" domestic terrorist incident which will be blamed on MAGA / "Christian Nationalists" / "White Supremacists." (Or, they do something like legalize the illegals, and count on some patriots losing it and going kinetic. It is within reason to suppose that they hoped the the January 6th fedsurrection would incite genuine patriots to go kinetic.)

We live in perilous time, perhaps even times of Biblical prophecy. Chronicles 7:14 could well have been written for today:

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

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I concur, Tom. These are words right out of a Hitler speech, and purposed to incite rage. They keep turning the heat up at every news cycle. And to be honest, we’re not that far from leaving true constitutional Americans from being out of options. They’ve subverted virtually every other safeguard from tyranny but 2A.

Ironically, Biden could just as easily have been using the same threats against the founding fathers 250 years ago. There is no difference.

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As they did before the last election, they had plans A thru F already in motion depending on how events were playing out. Glenn Beck got a hold of their 2019 plans and tired to share them with Trump's team. They just discounted it all.

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After seeing video of illegal aliens crossing the border (estimate of 14,000/day), the mob vandalizing and robbing stores (liquor store Philadelphia), homelessness, the debt, the green "agenda", the spying and misuse of power, the deceit of the vaccine, and the spiraling debt, America as we knew it may not recover. If by God's grace it does, it will not be without pain. Look to your families, make friends with like minded people in your community, pray and prepare because it is coming.

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I will share this article widely.

Will there be an election in 2024? Yes, it will look exactly like the installation that occurred after the 2020 election.

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When insanity has run amuck it looks like this!!

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Well now that the events in Israel has begun I can see JB and the hounds finding a way to stay in power.

Stranger day are coming. Prayers

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When Demoncraps use the word "democracy" , they really mean "Socialist Dictatorship". The U.S is NOT a "democracy" . It is a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. A republic that is being lost do to treason, apathy, & cowardice of its own people.

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