I watch Bannon religiously, and always look forward to your hits. Bannon mentioned your book about the CIA, that you published in 2009. A lot has happened since then, and more about the CIA has come out. Have you considered writing a new updated edition of your book, or a new book based on current information? Thank you.

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I know that all major institutions built to protect the citizens in this country have been corrupted and need reform. Everyone from DOJ/FBI, CIA, military, every alphabet law enforcement agency created in the federal government, and almost every big city police department. From top down since Obama fundamentally changed the government. Especially since 2019 most of the institutional knowledge has been wiped out of these organizations through attrition and demoralization, and replaced with moldable shapeable sycophants and true believers. Friends of the leftists, globalists and weak leaders that are bent on destroying this country from within, whether on purpose or because they are just dumb. Do you guys understand the depth and width of the problem and how these institutions are redeemable? We are way beyond the precipice in this country. It would take catastrophic change, a total shift in all 3 branches of the government and a destruction of the global administrative state. Or at least a separation from that entity. Steve is a genius and Sam is on point, definitely have a from the balcony grasp of what we're facing. I am a huge fan of both of you. The problem that we are ignoring is that they control ALL of the systems in place. Especially our elections system. Even if Trump can beat a system rigged against The People and in favor of the the CCP and a globalist government, which is doubtful, they will destroy him before they let him become president, how is he supposed to goven? How is he going to "clean out" the rot that has infected this entire country since at minimum 9/11. But especially since the Obama administration was allowed to completely transform these institutions and replace almost ALL of the good patriots working for the good of the Republic with globalist sycophants who are bent on destroying this country and bringing us into the fold of a one world government. We are now in the fourth year of the coup and nothing has been done by anyone to stop our decent into becoming a 2nd world vassal state of a globalist autocracy. It's time to stop all of this rahrah when Trump is president again bs and get to work. Someone has to lead. Someone has to have the courage to fight the enemy within. This needed to happen in Jan 2021. If it doesn't happen soon, it will never happen. Talk is not action and we need immediate bold action to win over this evil that is infecting every inch of this Republic and the civilized world.

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I posted your PA link on the PA page of As A Mom hoping it will get more volunteers..

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Great followup to your talk at Hillsdale.

As the late great El Rushbo often claimed "We are in heap big trouble".

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