"Who exactly all these Chinese are and why they are here remains unclear." Why won't someone ask them? I mean, are they Christians? Seems to me they are Christians. I wish someone would just ask them because, if that is the case, I am fine with them staying?

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I doubt they are seeking religious freedom DJ. I don't know of many Christian husbands and fathers that would leave their families behind in a country that hates freedom. If it were me in that situation I would sacrifice myself so my family could be free. As Jesus did 2000 years ago.

On a similar note, for those Christians that want to be missionaries here's your chance. The closed third world is coming to your doorstep. Here's your chance to sow the seeds of truth and freedom.

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no, dj is onto something. why doesn't someone ask them instead of accusing them of being spies and saboteurs off the bat? michael yon has gone down there with chinese translators, you just don't hear their answers because he doesn't like that they're not telling him they're soldiers. like so many others, he has a bad habit of skewing the intelligence to fit his expectations.

sph, i think a key facet of the problem you're not considering is the chinese banking system. you have a chinese economy that appears to their domestic youth population to be in freefall collapse. the chinese also have access to us state funded propaganda that is still largely covering up the us' nearly commensurate economic collapse. is it any wonder that chinese young-adults would want to come to the land of historical (even if faux) prosperity and opportunity?

anyone aware of historical trends would predict that rapid social change in an authoritarian state would result in either 1) declarations of major conflict (i.e. warfare manufactured as a mass distraction or to give a face to "the enemy" so that domestic populations don't blame their rulers for poor governance) or 2) clamp downs on human rights with incommensurately large devaluation of dissident rights (especially, religious rights as the religious present the only brave and widely organized opposition to tyrannical rule).

in a country of well over a billion people that has traditionally not trusted banks nor its own government, is it any wonder that large segments of the chinese population should have inherited or otherwise transferred far more "mattress cash" than the cia factbook or their government would expect them to have inherited?

when it comes to "military aged men", it's a widely known custom for waves of immigration to primarily fit this specific demographic. the main reasons being that 1) the women stay home to care for the children AND elders because 2) the family didn't have enough funding to bring the entire family, you can't simply leave behind the elders. i emphasize the role of caring for elders because its so foreign to westerners and 3) the males have the greater earning power, on average, because they can do hardier entry level work in order to 4) invest or repatriate excess income. (notwithstanding that the migrants probably don't yet understand the current nor coming-term magnitude of the middle class cost of living crisis in the united states).

mind you, i'm not in any way saying that an invasion force is not forming for upcoming conflict in the next several months to years. i do believe some of this migrant traffic is legitimately chinese organized crime, chinese military, and chinese intelligence, and international mercenaries working for the eastern bloc that are coming here for destabilization missions. but its highly doubtful that the majority of these "military aged men" constitute such paid lackeys.

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Unrestricted Warfare: China's Master Plan to Destroy America Paperback


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The book is derived from the document produced by the CCP Unrestricted Warfare, which is orders to the PLA CCP.

It was originally intercepted by the CIA, and was posted on a CIA website C4i, which later was made public


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