Why did Trump endorse him coz i totally get your point of view.

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Barry Soetoro a/k/a B. Hussein Obama comes to mind. Did (does) he have dual citizenship with Indonesia? Is he actually a U.S. citizen - by birth or naturalized?

In any case, we need to eliminate "birthright citizenship" / the anchor-baby loophole.

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Someone needs to show this to Trump and he needs to rescind his endorsement. If he is told about this and doesn't rescind his endorsement then I can't vote for him in 2024. My vote will go to Ron DeSantis if he runs.

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It has always been clear to me that this man has no business representing the State of Pa. But now that I know the facts outlined in this article it has become a scandal that Trump endorsed him. Throughout his presidency Trump would often show what can be described either as profound naivete or just plain dumb. This is one of those times.

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Some of President Trump's endorsements have sent chills up my spine - this is one of them! Oz has always seemed like a Snake Oil Salesman, to me. Has anyone had a chance to debunk the last minute smears about Kathy Barnette?

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