It wasn’t supposed to be this way. The Ukrainians were supposed to roll over. The whole invasion was to take a matter of days. Then there would be a new puppet government in Kyiv parroting Moscow’s lies and providing cover for Putin’s aggression.
It's difficult to believe either side. We know how corrupt Ukraine is (partly because of Biden, and the like), and all I've ever heard about Russia is bad. But, everyone heard that Donald Trump was a Russian agent, from our deep state and media. So, do I really want to believe their narrative now? A good example of my confusion is: If they have the portable crematoriums, why bother with the trains, If they're trying to hide how many dead by cremating the remains? If we've been encroaching on Russia for decades after promising "not another inch" with NATO, is he really paranoid, or are we really after him? Listening to Joe, it seem like we are, have been, and he knows it. I think President Trump respected him enough to NOT encroach while making sure we could defeat any aggression. A mutual respect is a very healthy way to live on the same planet.
We, as Americans, brought this war on. We need to fix 2020 or the entire world is going to pay for our weakness.
My heart aches for both the Ukrainians and the Russian families that will lose sons, husbands, grandsons to this madman's decent into hell.
It's difficult to believe either side. We know how corrupt Ukraine is (partly because of Biden, and the like), and all I've ever heard about Russia is bad. But, everyone heard that Donald Trump was a Russian agent, from our deep state and media. So, do I really want to believe their narrative now? A good example of my confusion is: If they have the portable crematoriums, why bother with the trains, If they're trying to hide how many dead by cremating the remains? If we've been encroaching on Russia for decades after promising "not another inch" with NATO, is he really paranoid, or are we really after him? Listening to Joe, it seem like we are, have been, and he knows it. I think President Trump respected him enough to NOT encroach while making sure we could defeat any aggression. A mutual respect is a very healthy way to live on the same planet.
Can someone clarify those things for me?