Bravo, Mr. Faddis. Thank you for having the integrity and bravery to openly speak truth to power, i.e., that we are in the midst of a Marxist (Collectivist) takeover (a/k/a revolution a/k/a color revolution).

1) I cannot help but recall that shortly after the coup d'etat / color revolution of 2020, some non-mainstream sources reported that the source code for SmartMatic / "the election machines" now ubiquitous in the U.S. was developed on behalf of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. Coincidence? I think not.

2) Seizing control of a country via its "democratic" election system is a decades-old Communist technique. So is then using a "democracy's" law enforcement and judicial system to persecute (if not eliminate from the face of the earth) "reactionaries" and "counter-revolutionaries" to prevent an effective resistance / counter-revolution from gaining traction.

Also, as Mr. Lopez experienced, the critical element of this revolutionaries' technique is to execute the hostile takeover before a critical mass of people recognize what's occurring, and so by the time that they do it is too late. In this country, the "mainstream media" (including Fox) have been essential in keeping millions upon millions of Americans oblivious to what's actually happening.

With that in mind, what has been occurring to President Trump and his associates, to Rudy Giuliani and John Eastman, to the J6 political prisoners, to Tina Peters, to the so-called "fake" electors in MI ... right down to moms trying to protect their children at school board meetings is not only predictable, but to be expected from the Biden-Harris Junta and, by extension, Beijing.

Our Constitutional Republic is on the precipice. Pray. Peacefully resist, including by speaking up and trying to wake up the "normies" before it is too late.

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On point Mr. Faddis!

Salvation of this country is now in God's hand alone. I attempted to add comments but you covered the topic so well. Thank you.

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This alternate elector strategy was one of the dumbest aspects of the post-2020 election fight. Only attempted once before by Hawaii and there was a legit court case. It was an election decided by 115 votes - nothing like 2020 in other words. Anyone stupid enough to think that 'alternate electors' was a valid, legal strategy deserves what they get. Sorry, I'm conservative AF but this is a self-inflicted wound brought about by stupid, emotional people who were poorly lead. Perhaps my fellow conservatives will learn a lesson from this horrific episode? If we want to contest an election, how about we do so the way we are meant to - in the state courts and SCOTUS ultimately? Not have a riot at the capitol nor try to undermine the electoral process with wild, poorly considered legal strategies.

I'm more conservative than most of you here. Stop clapping like seals for 'our side'. We made our own mess in 2020 and frankly, I want to hear some 'splaining' from the idiots who screwed up on our side. Enough about what the Left/Dems have done - got that. But how come we can't beat them? Ever? That's the question we need to be asking.

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Voting machines Glenn, voting machines. And a former Vice President now running in the Republican Presidential Primary that doesn't think that America is his concern. But Ukraine is. I guess you haven't noticed that the entire system is against learning and judging the truth of the coup of 2020, and the AZ coup of 2022.

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Oh shut up. I'm so tired of the empty rhetoric of people like you. Do yourself and the entire world a favor and get off the internet and start reading these things called 'books'. Learn something about the world that's beyond the idiotic, trite memes conservative yackers spout (all they've done is monetize your rage, the accomplish NOTHING). In case you missed it, your reply to me doesn't address a single thing I said. I'm fully convinced the election was stolen and I'm likely more conservative than you. I just think before I speak, and I try to actually understand things and how complex they are before running my mouth. I get it, you suffer from no such defect...

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