What I learned from Covid is. 1. I cannot control what is out there. 2. I can control how I deal with it. 3. I don’t trust a word from so called experts. 4. Big Parma is only concerned with $. 5. Government is only concerned with $ (donations) and power. 6. Everyone lies for $. Back to trusting in God, reading His word, praying and living as healthy as I can. In time this panic will pass.

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“National University of San Marcos pathology tests confirm presence of H5N1 virus in 585 dead sea lions.”

I no longer believe, 100% what I’m told. This is something I learned over the past three years. Are we able to verify these pathology reports? After all, we have yet to see the Covid 19 virus for some reason.

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Peru, used to be home of a large bio lab run by the US Navy. It might still be.

Could this virus be water bore? Just a question, a thought, a Possibility.

Did you notice that the 'original Covid' mutations were all first 'found' in close proximity to bio labs (around the world)? I recall that one was in South Africa, the next in the UK, and on and on. Interesting the 'coincidences' (of course, there is no such thing as a coincidence) of the labs and the locations of the finds. Allow your mind to wander, Another Possibility. If the shot( vaxx) compromises the humanoid immune system ,then even a 'mild' case of another virus will cause numerous deaths. These deaths could play into the 'fear' agenda. Possibility. What is the goal? What is the Solution (according to the power wannabes)? Reaction to this avian virus, is to kill all of the animals to keep them from transmitting to humans. Humans Reaction of wanting the governments to 'save' them. This accomplishes two goals/solutions....the power hungry wannabes gain control of people. Kill the animals, people die of compromised immune systems from the low grade virus. Bingo, Population reduction. That is a Probability ...

What do we do Sam? You know the players, you see the moves, where is this game going?

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I'm not a Covid believer, I think that what the Chinese purposely spread around the planet is a modified influenza virus or possibly not modified at all, just a new strain of flu, doing what it always does every year. All the rest of the panic and lockdowns, masks and social distancing is just getting us conditioned to forgetting our freedom rights and doing what we're told out of fear. "Covid" wasn't the danger, the "vaccine" shots are what's killing people, that and the hospitals with their Remdesiver and intubations. 82% of the human population of Earth has been injected with a brew that causes massive blood clots, heart attacks and destruction of the immune system, laying the victims open to infection and death by diseases such as H5N1 that they might otherwise survive from.

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Yes to all, however, the US was instrumental in the development of the more virulent and infectious flu and it could very well have been distributed in Wuhan by the US military who were there previous to the outbreak. This flu was inverted from the normal flu to affect the elderly more than the young. The gene jab was designed to affect the natural process of conception to lower the population. And yes, many other side affects that were known before EUA. The H5N1 has undergone the same lab enhancements as the flu did except it was also modified to easily jump species.

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I read just two weeks ago that the H5N1 is here to stay because it is not acting like a normal bird flu.

I believe that food plants, energy facilities, transportation facilities, food warehouses, food produce, poultry farms are all being destroyed, subverted, damaged, you name it - on purpose. Who controls the food controls the population. H5N1 has been modified to be more contagious, more deadly and inter-species capable. I also believe that West Nile Virus was manufactured in a lab as was the hyper flu Covid or rather SARS- CoV-WIV. Better monitor the CDC's website to watch when it published H5N1 updates. It's had four posts since 2/24/23.

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585 dead sea lions is a good thing. They're protected by Federal Law and have multiplied beyond reason, with the result that salmon are endangered because sea lions love to eat only the fat stomachs of those fish and let the rest float away and rot. 585 dead sea lions means that millions of salmon will now survive the passage from the ocean into the bays and inlets that their spawning rivers flow into and where the sea lions wait to decimate them. Adios, sea lions, three cheers.

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It’s going to make the jump. It’s going to achieve H2H airborne transmission. Massive numbers of people are going to die. Billions. Civilization is going to collapse. We are absolutely FUCKED six ways to sunset. There no reason now not to descend into nihilism and total hedonism. Live for today folks.

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Oh lackaday, dearie me, alas, alas, yes, only the cockroaches will survive. We're all DOOMED. How long do you think we have? Will you lead us to safety? Chicken Little was right, we should have listened to her.

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God help us all. We are surrounded by liars and damned liars.

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I hope everyone has IVM, azithromycin/doxycycline, vit D, budesonide on hand, with a tabletop nebulizer..

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