So, who IS in charge here? I am so sick and tired of listening to legislators grandstanding this problem every day, yet seemingly asking us what to do about it. Isn't that what we hired them for? The argument, of course, can be made that Obama's activist judges will just shoot down Congress anyway, but that is not Constitutionally true. According to the Constitution, Declaration and Federalist Papers, not to mention numerous writings by many Founders, it was never their intention to give judges equal legal authority in deciding laws, because they are elected bureaucrats, and thus, we the people are not directly connected to them by our votes like we are to the executive branches (as if our votes presently count anyway). So Presidents and Congress have illegally elevated courts to a level not granted them in order to use activist judges to bi-pass majority congressional powers, or opposing party Presidents in order to get their will around said opposition.

So, my question is, isn't this Congress' job to reel Obama, Biden, liberal Congressmen, activist judges, and a leftist AG, as well as the WEF in and shit this down, right now? It's like they've become an echo chamber resounding what we the people already know and have been saying for 3 years. When are they going to do what they were elected for and have sworn oaths to do, perserve and protect the Constitution? Justice lies naked in the streets, with its shame exposed for all to see, yet they act as if they have no shame. How, at this point, are we supposed to trust them? How are we to believe they work for us? Or even care? We sit here every day and watch million more illegals being illegally added to the Democrat voter list, while in their ignorance, they are exploited by the Dems, and they are turning our country into a pile of filth, disease, crime, addiction, corruption, anarchy, and despair.

Where are the Freedom Caucuses? They, as least, should be the lower civil magistrates whom our Founders were, who drew the line in the sand against tyranny with their Declaration. We need a great reset alright. We need to strip all of the illegal legislation written for the past 100 years, and we need to remove every single politician and bureaucrat who has violated the Constitution, and start over.

What we are witnessing is the prophetic fulfillment of Jefferson, all three Adams,' Franklin, Jay, Rush, Webster, Madison, Washington, and the rest of them, all who foresaw where this would go if we rolled over and didn't commit ourselves to eternal vigilance in protecting and defending what they had given us. Are we all cowards now? Are we willing to throw this wonderful God-given blessing to the wind to a handful of criminals?

FYI: This is not a nightmare that we are simply going to wake up from, nor is it a passing phase that will whither away in time. It grows exponentially more dangerous every hour. I'm nobody. I'm an institutionally uneducated, albeit self-educated guy who has split his life between trucking and logging. I don't have much to offer but my life, because I've lost 2/3rds of everything I've worked for in my 50 years in business in the last 3 years, and I will gladly give my life if I knew it would save this land I love, if I knew it mattered to anyone. But every day I find myself having a harder time convincing myself that anyone even cares.

Has it dawned on anyone yet that we don't have a single person in our prison system, or on death row who has committed a crime even remotely as grotesque as has been committed by Obama, Gates, Schwab, Soros, Jinping or Fauci, and yet they walk in unprecedented freedom, while the innocent among us have lost most of the liberty and freedom God and the Declaration have granted us?

Are we there yet? Have we had enough yet? Does anybody really care? If there are still any among us who still aren't concerned, or worse, still support this insanity, surely it must be because their brains leaked out of their ear in the night.

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America, born 1776, died 2020.

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Thank you Webb! I couldn't say it any better. A lot of people do care, but most of them won't take any action but to complain (80/20 rule). Rush Limbaugh always reminded us that fighting evil is a 24/7 job. It's much easier to be a volunteer slave than to demand a life of liberty and freedom - the state of being free from oppressive restrictions or control imposed by authority on one’s way of life, behavior, or political views, and the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants (within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others).

Over the decades, most of us, including me, didn't commit to eternal vigilance by putting pressure on elected officials to do the job they were hired to do. Like so many others, I wasn't interested in being politically involved. I'm still not, but I've left my comfort zone. The Founding Fathers told us what would happen. They understood that a man cannot really LIVE (have liberty and freedom) if he is not ready to die. They started the Revolution and so here we are.

The stolen 2020 election was my wake-up call. It was a masterfully engineered soft coup. Trump wasn't supposed to win the 2016 election and was standing in the way of the Great Reset. He had to be removed in order to open the floodgates of today's tyranny. I'm not convinced we can recover from the damage, but I will not acknowledge defeat.

I suspect that 2024 will be a pivotal year in human history. People in this country are going to freak out when there are no more places to hide from the Ugly Truth. All Roads Lead To Reality...

“In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.” ― Mark Twain

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