wow. The words of this article weigh heavy on my heart, particularly today when we near the anniversary of the WWI armistice where we remember and mourn the dead. Why must mankind war? Does it all come down to good versus evil? Prepare, pray and hold fast. One way or another it is coming.

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A lot of otherwise educated and insightful people are eager to fight another war for Israel. They seem to genuinely believe that escalation is the path to de-escalation. Very foolish and dangerous.

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And those crazy Shiites want WW3 so the 12th Imam will come.

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"The Houthis, who are armed, trained, and largely directed by the Iranians, have effectively declared war on the United States and threatened to close two of the most strategic waterways in the world."

This is a ridiculous war monger position to take. The Houthis declared war on Israel and the "effectively declared war on the United States" claim which you make is predicated upon the US putting itself right into the middle of a conflict on another continent. We are in their backyard, they are not in ours.

It seems clear that you eagerly put defense of Israel over the defense of actual American interests. You seem to be America first on everything except for war for Israel. I guess it's in a spook's nature to generally promote constant tampering abroad as if we can settle the dispute and not just cause more problems and create more danger.

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It’s not for going to war for Israel but for our western Christian way of life. That is the foundation of our freedoms

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Fighting Israel's wars are a defense of the Christian way of life? Do you know how silly you sound?

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None of the wars these last 200 years have been over Christianity or protection of the Jews. What America is in now is a purposeful setup for altercations on numerous fronts with the best of our military demoted, removed or harassed. Yes, people will die, infiltrators here will be activated, world chaos will ensure, the banking system will collapse, civil unrest will be forced on us all so the waning-years of this decade can usher in the grand One World Order. And it calls for a world population not to exceed 1 billion.

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Cannot disagree with anything that you write but as a Christian I believe that God is in control, there will be a rapture and Jesus will rule. Therefore, I am completely faithful to Him and His laws and what is right. Defending and aiding Israel is right and I stand firm.

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The nation of Israel is home to Jews, Muslims, Christians and the non-religious. I can’t speak to the Trials and Tribulations, and the Second Coming. For me, the word Jew or Jewish describes only the tribe of Judah son of Israel. The other tribes were dispersed. And Israel’s older brother Esau, called Edom by God as punishment, fought the tribe of Israel throughout the Old Testament until the Edomites dispersed to other lands like Turkey where they worshiped the idols and eventually took up the Jewish religion because it served to keep them alive at the time. They, of course, where Hebrews but never Jews of Judah. Once returned, Judaeans never left their land and they were the only Jews there when Jesus was born. I believe it is the Edomites that came to the new Israel of the 1940s. The ones that call themselves Zionist. The true Judaeans have never quibble over the rights of their Palestinian neighbors although in antiquity, Judaeans were their first.

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Shelley, you run rings around me and I am swamped. It is my understanding that there never was a Palistinian people until the 1940s. I am a much simpler person. Given that, there was no excuse for the massacre by Hamas, whether their victims were Jews, Christians or other. Babies in ovens? Nothing justifies that if you are civilized.

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You should read a book sometime. The state of Palestine existed for 400 years under the Ottoman Empire until the land was taken from them by the British who were manipulated by jewish bankers including the Rothschilds. Look up the letter from Balfour to Lionel Walter Rothschild yourself if you think this isn't true.

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What a bunch of nonsense. Israel is Jewish, this has nothing to do with Christianity. Massacring poor people on another continent is not Christian.

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Christianity is based on Judiasm. The Jews are God's chosen people. America was founded on Judeo Christian values. Israel was attacked and has every right to eliminate the threat to their existence. Where is there a massacre besides what Hamas did to innocent and helpless beings?

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Christianity was influenced by Judaism but then split. No relation now. "Judeo-Christian" is a myth and modern creation. The massacre is in Palestine, not in Israel. 10x the deaths and mostly women and children.

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There was never a split. You are mistaken and obviously not a believer

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Lifelong Christian. Christianity has been subverted, that is why it is dying in the West. This has been happening for generations.

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I suggest you re-read Sam article. All I read were statements of facts on the ground as reported by others. Point me to Sam's war monger position because your Houthis reference is not one. Wars are never fought on behalf of Americans. First they were fought on behalf or merchants wanting access to foreign states, then they were fought for banker's profits and all our Presidents have claimed the wars as necessary to homeland security, if we don't get them over there they will get us here. All of that was and is bullshit. The US engaged in Korea because the UN told it to and then told Eisenhower when to leave. Every other war after that has been dictated by the wants of the UN, which sole goal has been a one world government and depopulation. Wars serve both of those purposes.

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Conflating Houthi attack on Israel with an attack on America is patently absurd but the implication is clear; the US should escalate war with anyone who provokes Israel. If you can't understand how this provocative position is that of a neocon warmonger seeking perpetual conflict abroad while allowing America to continue to collapse at home, I don't think there's anything I can say to change your mind.

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Come on von, don't you see that Sam was just writing about the position our US overlords were taking? It is not his position, just that of the US as they move their war ships close enough to be targets - to start something as they always do. Sam is just giving us the heads up we should have. Geeeze......

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