In my experience in 50+ years in the bureaucracies of police departments around the country, I can think of no better description than Sam Faddis had for bureaucrats who were/are appointed to their positions because of political maneuvering (not what they had accomplished, but whose butt they kissed) than self-licking ice cream cones. I laugh every time I think about it. Good job!

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Excellent Charles. I also am retired, from the fire end of the business and witnessed the steady decline of performance over the years. I was blessed to enter the fire service during the 'changing of the guard', the WWII vets were retiring out and us new VN era vets were replacing them. I was honored to work with proficient goal oriented men, as you would expect in a para-military profession. When I retired, I left behind many self licking ice cream cones. They were very well versed in public relations though, constantly convincing the public and politicians that budgets had to be increased or people would die. People still perished but there was always another excuse.

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Thanks, S.P.H. I always admired fireman. When I was in CG boot camp, one of the training sessions had each recruit handling the, then, standard fire hose with the brass nozzle. I think the water came out at 100+ PSI. Holding on to the thing was a challenge. They had a concrete building filled with, I think, 55 gal. drums of diesel, which they set on fire. They broke us into groups of five. Each recruit had to take different positions on the hose, finally taking the lead position. We went into the building repeatedly until all five had occupied the different positions and stayed until the fire was extinguished. It was freaking terrifying. You didn't put the fire out, you left the service. I guess today they just show you a video or something. Self-licking ice cream cones would have a tendency to melt. I was on an ice breaker in the Arctic when a real fire broke out on our WWII era ship. When you're in the north Atlantic, there's nothing nearby to help. We got it out relatively quickly, but, again, a true ass puckering moment. I had a cop that worked for me when I was a shift commander in the Bal. PD., who rode an elevator up to a floor that was on fire in a old folks home. I went down to the bottom of the elevator shaft with firemen the next morning and helped carry his burned beyond recognition body out on a stokes litter. I then had to notify the widow that she was a widow. Finally, 911 made the point to the unenlightened that firemen and cops really do run into the jaws of the dragon while others are running away. Thanks for your service S.P.H. At my age and I suspect yours, there's some satisfaction in doing what we did. BTW, self-licking ice cream cones never did well in the situations we faced. C.J.K.

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Actions (and non-actions) of former Director 'Cheatle' never really added up and seemed quite suspicious - coincidental. While she resigned in disgrace - shame, I do think a detail investigation is warranted.

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As a retiree of the public education system of 40 years, it's my hope that this totally rotted institution is changed as well. It is so infiltrated with those who not only are promoting socialist & communist ideologies, but are also attempting to circumvent parental rights and forever change their child with covert surgical butchery! As Sam points out the need for returning to values, principles and common sense policies and practices for federal agencies, we at the local level must also be unrelenting in our rightful demands of our school boards and state school superintendents to do the same. However, if we continue letting our existing local school districts in the majority of our cities operate under their existing policies and procedures, the quality of our children's education will only continue to produce the results we've seen for decades. We must resolve to participate in our civic responsibility to pressure those we elect to office in our local & state levels to support reform in public education in order to bring about these necessary changes.

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Great column Sam. Will be watching the process for those changes. Looking forward to your updates.

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Trump’s first 100 hours of shock and awe, is contagious. His appointees will hopefully apply the same shock and awe to their agencies. Keep the Deep State on its heels.

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Two thumbs up Mr. Faddis. With the world on fire now indeed was the time for the return of a true leader! May all department heads learn from DJT. We have no room for business as usual.

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