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Since the 2020 steal / coup, it has become apparent that the GOP nationally (not just PA) is down with the election fraud infrastructure, both "feet on the ground" and IT varieties. Otherwise, it would have acted to fix what would be an existential threat to its candidates - that is, if it were actually an opposition party to the Democrats (more on that here: https://www.trevorloudon.com/2022/01/deductive-reasoning-the-gop-was-in-on-the-steal/ ).

That the GOP hasn't done squat about election fraud in PA or elsewhere is a big tell-tale that both parties answer to the same power(s), and it ain't voters.

We have to stop playing their game and letting them corral us into voting "lesser of two evils" in general elections, only to maintain our de facto enemies in office who then have the advantages of incumbency in future primary challenges. Instead, we need to start "undervoting" at least the most egregious RINO's; leave that race blank in the general election, or write-in your actual preferred candidate that maybe didn't prevail in the (rigged) primary. Or even write-in "NONE OF THE ABOVE."

Unless we clean out the GOP barn, we'll just keep on this electoral hamster wheel of their design.

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