The Day Has Come We Must Ask Ourselves - Is The Republic Already Dead?
Biden Celebrates Destroying Fossil Fuels
On Monday, Joe Biden reacted to the news of record-high gas prices with his trademark callous indifference.
“[When] it comes to the gas prices, we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over.”
Biden said during a press conference in Japan following his meeting with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.
It was perhaps newsworthy that Biden was so blunt. On the other hand, he did not tell us anything we really did not already know. Gas prices are not high, because of Vladimir Putin or because of “supply chain issues” whatever that means. They are going through the roof because Biden has decided to destroy the existing economy based primarily on fossil fuels and force what will likely be a truly catastrophic transition to expensive and undependable energy sources like wind and solar.

On a more fundamental level, however, what was noteworthy and terrifying was what Biden did not say.
Nowhere in his comments was there any reference to Congress, a proposed agenda, or seeking the support of the American people. In fact, there are never any such references in any of his pronouncements. Once upon a time an American President who wanted to launch a fundamental transformation of the American economy that would touch every American would talk in terms of seeking Congressional support, and new laws and ask Americans to support him. No more.
This President never talks about Congress. He never asks for support from the people, from whom all power derives. He issues edicts. We are informed and directed to obey. That is all.
Meanwhile, the Congress of the United States sits silent and impotent. The legislative branch, by far the most powerful under the Constitution, watches, engages in meaningless committee hearings, and grandstands and does nothing of consequence. It has, it appears, abdicated its responsibilities and become an ornament of some kind suggesting we retain a democratic system when, in fact, increasingly we live in an autocracy.
The long-term implications of Biden’s war on fossil fuels will be catastrophic, but already we are seeing impacts that are causing severe hardship to American families. The price of diesel fuel nationwide is well above $6 a gallon. Filling up a semi-tractor trailer now costs close to $2000 in some places. Independent truck drivers simply cannot continue to pay the cost. Increasingly, they are talking about parking their rigs and quitting.
Trucking companies may soon be forced to lay off employees if the price of diesel doesn’t change. Trucks will be sold. Companies will fold.
The immediate impact on Americans will be disastrous. Shelves will be empty. People will go hungry. More layoffs will follow. Already there is a discussion of fuel rationing.

This is only the beginning of the disaster Joe has created. It is also, however, only one facet of the larger picture. Everywhere you look you see the same pattern. The man in the White House has assumed dictatorial powers, and the rest of the government has simply allowed him to do so.
Joe Biden, the most corrupt, incompetent President in American history has plunged us, without any declaration of war, into what amounts to a proxy war with Russia in Ukraine. We teeter on the edge of a possible nuclear confrontation. There has been no public debate. There has been no declaration of war.
Joe Biden - who was widely regarded his entire career as just an empty suit - is pushing us into an agreement with the World Health Organization, which will give an unelected international body run by a Maoist terrorist power to override the decisions on public health of all American officials. The Senate has not voted. The American people have not been consulted.
Joe Biden, the serial liar, has opened our southern border, effectively suspended enforcement of our immigration laws, and is transforming the composition of our electorate by flooding the nation with illegal immigrants. Simultaneously he is pursuing a federal agenda regarding elections that will allow these non-citizens to vote. The implications threaten the foundations of the republic. Americans overwhelmingly oppose this agenda. It does not matter. They were not even consulted.
The Romans walked this path over two thousand years ago. They began with a republic that was highly distrustful of powerful executives. In their system, there were two “presidents” called consuls. An action could be taken only by consensus of both so the default position was the status quo. These consuls only served for a year so their ability to pursue grand agendas was in any event highly circumscribed.
The real power lay with the Senate which was elected by the people. When the Romans went to war or made other major decisions it was because the people’s representatives voted and so decided.
Then, bit by bit, the Romans allowed this system to crumble. Increasingly, they tolerated “great men” who grabbed unprecedented amounts of power and took action without any legal authority to do so. The republic faded away until one day the populace awoke to realize the Senate still met, but its actions were now purely ceremonial. The Emperor now ruled, and everyone else had become a servant and a vassal.
This is precisely where we are. We continue to talk about the power of the people and the role of our elected representatives, but such talk is increasingly meaningless. In Washington, a weak, pathetic, corrupt old man issues orders, and we obey as if they are legitimate and worthy of obedience.
The day has come we must ask ourselves. Is the republic already dead?
Respectfully disagree on a number of points. Biden isn't doing anything - he's a avatar. (Likely Obama is running him behind the scenes, as middle-manager for the CCP and Globalist Axis, which is most likely calling the shots.)
This Constitutional Republic was subjected to a color revolution - a coup - in November, 2020. It may not be dead (yet), but at present, it's not operational. The public isn't consulted during or after revolutions / coups, so it's not a surprise that we are not consulted now - it's inevitable so long as the coup plotters remain in power.
Nor is the legislative branch consulted. Both parties have, by their actions and inactions since the 2020 coup have demonstrated that their leadership (and most rank and file) are part of the coup. Presumably bought-off and/or blackmailed by the CCP-Globalist Axis (as is the media). Hence the conspiracy of silence to avoid talking about the stolen election, much less dismantle the election fraud infrastructure.
So the ranks of the treasonous are both deep and wide, and at present, they have the momentum. Our Constitutional Republic may not yet be dead, but it's in a coma, and the prognosis ABSENT DIVINE INTERVENTION is not good. It's time for patriots to get right with our Lord, ask his assistance and guidance, and roll up our sleeves ...
Yes, 12 PM January 20th, 2021.