“I think it’s very important that we kind of take stock of where we are in our weapons state across the 32 nations of NATO, and we’re getting way down compared to where we were,”
Sam, could you write a column on why you think we should be supporting Ukraine. For the life of me, i cannot see any benefit and see it as a never endig slush fund for political cronies. Why is this a priority?
I've suspected for some time (and so written on my Substack) that the entire Ukraine thing was a feint to weaken our military's ability to respond to a PRC/CCP move on Taiwan.
Putin is an ally of Xi.
Biden is compromised by the CCP, as are many in D.C.
The depletion of our arsenal will provide "plausible deniability" for Biden aiding the CCP by throwing Taiwan to the wolves.
I don't care if Russia takes Ukraine, and I don't care if China takes Taiwan. And while TSCC is the leading chip manufacturer, there at at least 6 multi-billion dollar chip foundries being built in the U.S. today. We will very quickly adjust the silicon supply chain and be fine. Other than that? Nothing. Why am I supposed to care? Would Taiwan fight for me if we were invaded by say Canada? Would Ukraine fight for me to secure our southern border against the millions of invaders streaming across it? The question itself is absurd, yet it's not at all absurd in the reverse. We worry about all that so far away while our southern neighbor is a failed state. Our founders warned of foreign entanglements. After WWI and WWII, will we never learn to leave the Euros to kill each other off as they see fit? It seems they will always find reasons to do so. And the Chinese? Who cares? Ask yourself honestly, as an American, do you give a flying crap who runs Taiwan? Enough to give your life? Nope. And that's what you are asking some nameless kid from a flyover state to do, don't kid yourself. If you wouldn't die yourself, why should any other American?
Short time ago I put this out on Twitter on this subject:
Criminal in my book! We are watching nations collapse at breakneck speed on historical time scales. Like #mankind farted to hard and crapped! Soon will not have anymore poo paper.
Rumor has it that the ..Aircraft 'bone yard' is being brought out of moth balls.. and the the former officers who used to fly them are being selectively contacted to again seriously think of taking 'contracts' for former jobs.
Sam, could you write a column on why you think we should be supporting Ukraine. For the life of me, i cannot see any benefit and see it as a never endig slush fund for political cronies. Why is this a priority?
I've suspected for some time (and so written on my Substack) that the entire Ukraine thing was a feint to weaken our military's ability to respond to a PRC/CCP move on Taiwan.
Putin is an ally of Xi.
Biden is compromised by the CCP, as are many in D.C.
The depletion of our arsenal will provide "plausible deniability" for Biden aiding the CCP by throwing Taiwan to the wolves.
I don't care if Russia takes Ukraine, and I don't care if China takes Taiwan. And while TSCC is the leading chip manufacturer, there at at least 6 multi-billion dollar chip foundries being built in the U.S. today. We will very quickly adjust the silicon supply chain and be fine. Other than that? Nothing. Why am I supposed to care? Would Taiwan fight for me if we were invaded by say Canada? Would Ukraine fight for me to secure our southern border against the millions of invaders streaming across it? The question itself is absurd, yet it's not at all absurd in the reverse. We worry about all that so far away while our southern neighbor is a failed state. Our founders warned of foreign entanglements. After WWI and WWII, will we never learn to leave the Euros to kill each other off as they see fit? It seems they will always find reasons to do so. And the Chinese? Who cares? Ask yourself honestly, as an American, do you give a flying crap who runs Taiwan? Enough to give your life? Nope. And that's what you are asking some nameless kid from a flyover state to do, don't kid yourself. If you wouldn't die yourself, why should any other American?
It's getting more difficult to find any positive news anywhere. Perhaps it's time for 'A man of peace' to come on the scene.
Thanks Sam, I guess, for the update. The chickens have indeed come home to roost.
Short time ago I put this out on Twitter on this subject:
Criminal in my book! We are watching nations collapse at breakneck speed on historical time scales. Like #mankind farted to hard and crapped! Soon will not have anymore poo paper.
Rumor has it that the ..Aircraft 'bone yard' is being brought out of moth balls.. and the the former officers who used to fly them are being selectively contacted to again seriously think of taking 'contracts' for former jobs.