It comes down to Zelinsky is willing to humiliate and kill his own people for his political ambition and now he wants to do the same to Americans.

There is no difference where Biden is concerned. Let's add here Metabiota, tied to the Chinese, needs to stay a Biden secret.

Biden is currently sacrificing his son for profit..why not yours? Something to think about.

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Feb 27, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023

Yes, Putin is ex-KGB and a bad guy. Yes, Russia crossed into Ukraine.

The West provoked them. And the Ukrainian people are paying the price.

We broke every promise made to Gorbachov after the fall of the USSR. NATO is on Russia's border. Would we tolerate Russian military bases in Mexico or Canada? Would we tolerate Russian warships in the Gulf of Mexico? No. We wouldn't.


We conducted a color revolution in 2014 and ousted a duly elected president. We really have no room to speak about election integrity since 2020, do we? And, yes, the Ukrainian government was corrupt at the time. The Ukrainian government is still corrupt, and it sure as hell is not a "democracy". Of course, we really aren't now either, are we?

We've admitted that we had no intention of honoring the Minsk agreement.

We've ignored the fact that the people of Crimea voted overwhelmingly to join Russia.

We've ignored the military abuse of the people of the Donbas region by the western aligned Ukrainian government since 2014. Thousands have died. We've ignored their cries for help and protection from Russia. We've ignored the Ukrainian governments promise to drive ethnic Russians out of the region.

We ignore the history of the region.

We're arming actual Nazis.

We're being fed propaganda and lies about the "war in Ukraine" by the media 24-7. The Ukrainians have taken heavy losses. They're conscripting older men and teenage boys by force. They are losing badly.

We are told that Russia is an existential threat to Europe and the world. We're also told the Russians are just about to be routed by the brave Ukrainian soldiers if only we give Ukraine more bombs and drones and missiles and fighter jets, etc. Both claims cannot be true.

The American empire (which does not represent the American people) wants to bring Russia to heel, to break it up and sell it for parts. They cannot control Putin, so he has to go. But, as you say, he has a say in the matter. He says no.

Remember two years ago when the media and the demonrats were sure that Trump was going to start WW3? Now, the old crank who claims to be potus is driving us off the cliff with the aid of the warmongers on both sides of the aisle.

And we seem powerless to stop them.

We are not the good guys. We're the aggressors. Except we aren't really we, are we? Our so-called duly elected government is acting on behalf of some entity...not the American people.

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I think I hear the Cash Cow calling on its way to slaughter. Actually, there is so much corruption from every player it is breathtaking. I believe this Ukraine/Russia fight is nothing more than a stepping stone and not even one that is all that important to those calling the shots.

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I'm not a historian, student of war nor a psychologist. But I do dabble in Eschatology, and I read in the most accurate history book written that Russia, called Magog, will be around in the final days. The United States of America will not. As a Judaeo-Christian nation we would best serve the world as a peace keeper and intermediator if possible. Throwing American bodies on top of the Ukranian and Russian bodies already lost is futile. All for the egos of three dangerous 'leaders'.

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In Cold War 198O while stationed in Gelnhousen near the Fulda border we all understood.

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