On April 5, 2022, a student at Erie High School in Erie, Pennsylvania walked up to another student in the hallway at school, pulled a handgun, and opened fire.
Not to mention no action (nationwide) on addressing root causes, the mere mention of which is verboten. Guns (nor access to) are a root cause; the root cause is what drives someone to pull the trigger.
Drivers include mass illegitimacy and lack of positive father figures; Hollywood and music industry promotion of "gangsta" culture rather than positive role models; and Cultural Marxism promoting fabricated "White privilege" and "systemic racism" as false diagnoses of root causes.
Not to mention no action (nationwide) on addressing root causes, the mere mention of which is verboten. Guns (nor access to) are a root cause; the root cause is what drives someone to pull the trigger.
Drivers include mass illegitimacy and lack of positive father figures; Hollywood and music industry promotion of "gangsta" culture rather than positive role models; and Cultural Marxism promoting fabricated "White privilege" and "systemic racism" as false diagnoses of root causes.