These people don’t stop even when we win. They just double down.

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Makes Rothman the useful idiot of a fallen angel.....clueless manipulated and deceived anyone see a pattern.....(California)

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Yes, and identifying the "useful idiots" is instrumental in getting to the roots of the problem.

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Well, this is certainly more than Rothman making an errant Fakebook post. Being that MAGA just won PA, and the alignment of these rather non MAGA groups listed in this article, it does raise the question from the grass roots as to what we can expect in the continuing role of our AMERICA FIRST agenda, and do we include communist Cuba in our priorities as we correct America's course, in our Commonwealth, that has 19 electoral votes. Choose wisely in this Chairmanship. TRump will not be on the ballot again to draw the formerly disenfranchised voters to the polls again, as it now has to be based on policies and performance that pay dividends for AMERICA FIRST voters..

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Suspect - founding member since 2018, at the time Trump was in office? Playing baseball a dozen times in Cuba starting at age 52?

I think the globalist Bush family, who play the long game, have been inserting their players in every state they can. They are certainly in TX and in my state of Missouri old Bush AG John Ashcroft is running many business in D.C. and Massachusetts, that serve at the international level. New House and Senate members in Missouri are given tours of one of his local businesses to make sure they know which hand will feed them the bills they must vote for.

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