Putin is not a good guy either, so what follows is not to imply that, nor to contradict that he may very well be responsible for the most recent (and immediate future?) cable cutting.

That said, we can no longer dismiss the possibility that "our" side might do it, and blame Putin. Creating such a catastrophic economic event (and shifting blame elsewhere) would be most useful for any or all of:

1) delaying the U.S. midterm elections;

2) collapsing the U.S. and European economies so as to create the rubble pile upon which to "build back better"

3) render citizens all over the Western nations abjectly poor, so that by 2030 they'll own nothing

4) provide cover for the (inevitable) collapse of the (over-printed) fiat currency known as the "U.S. dollar"

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I'd remind you all of the massive undersea fiber optic line near Egypt (?) that was severed a year or two ago. while i'd have to return to the story to refresh my memory and check for updates, at the initial time of the event it seemed clear that a Russian submarine was involved. clearly practicing and stress testing the global internet via the fiberoptic cables. Russia was, over the years developing and implementing an internal (intra)net. the Russians were practiced and primed for cutting these cables anyway. it's not in response to Nord Stream. it was the plan all along. how damned naive can the western analysts stay?

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Part of me would love the internet to go down for a serious amount of time. Seriously if our government is playing with our brains, messing around with international politics, banking, etc maybe this government is not worth saving. I love my country, just hate the government.

No TikTok, emails, info, fb, instagram all gone, sounds good to me at this point.

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